Messages for D13er


Long Time Member
OK, D13er, I'm glad your back from vacation. While you were gone I have been taking messages and I have quite a few.

The DA called. Good news! The bench warrant is on hold.

The clinic called. Bad news on that one. Test is positive.

The pharmacy called. Prescription is ready.

The doctors office called. You need to call them asap.

That blonde chick from Utah called. More bad news. Crab lice.

The brunette from Idaho called. Same.

Wiszard has called a million times. Something about D13 and deer and being in love. Gave him the blonde's number.

Scout master called. Guess that little boy is OK.

Sheriff called. He's willing to not pursue the charges if you will never see or quote Blazing Saddles again.

Your wife called. See messages 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Bess called. See above.

I will post more as I think of them or find them on my desk..
You know you would think people could just try to be a little more understanding while a guy is trying to enjoy his vacation by not leaving a bunch of trivial messages.

I mean it's not like the DA and the Sheriff's office don't have better things to do rather than bother you NV.

I am sure all of those could have waited until he returned.

And Wizard with all those calls.. Boy some people..
Thanks NV- I hooked up with the blonde and now I have crab lice!! Is that anyway to treat a friend? Damn!!

Just ran across a couple more calls.

White House Inauguration committee. Sorry you missed the party. Maybe next time.

Treasury Department. Something about hording pennies.

Founder. No message

Founder. No message.

Founder. No message.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 01:52PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 01:50?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-09 AT 01:49?PM (MST)

Here are a few more that I found scattered on your desk NV that you missed, some were older, some I took while you were at lunch:

Bakersfield Zoo - No they don't have any chimps for sale or that you can rent or borrow. Besides the zookeeper said the trip to DC for the innaguration will be too stressful on them anyway but he thanks you for your support. (Should have given you that one a few weeks ago)

Idaho Fish and Game - are you now available to provide free B&C scoring of trophies at upcoming wildlife awareness expo and saddle convention?

Browtine - quote - "Told you so dude!"

Slamdunk - wants to know if your tape measure works on biceps and if so can he borrow it.

Wiszard - this time about the great time he had with the blonde from Utah, but wonders how you get rid of the itching.

Wiszard - wants to know how to get the blonde to stop calling him now.

Wiszard - still wants to know how to stop the itching.

Cultural Sensitivity Training Center - your reservation in the upcoming class has been confirmed.

Kilowatt - forgot why he was calling.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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