Message for Kilo


Long Time Member
Brian, I'm sorry for what these knuckleheads are doing to you. If you need money to get home let me know.

I bet next time you listen to me.

send it to me eel....I'll be sure he gets it....


We need the money to buy Kilo dinner tonight. He has asked for fried chicken and waffles. I never heard of that meal before but I still want to humor the old guy. By the way don't let 45 get his hands on it because you know how cops get.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

eel, u can send it to me and ill personally take it to him, like u i dont trust them other kona plicks
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-11 AT 05:47PM (MST)[p]Don't worry EEL....I'm sure he's just fine. You ever see "Weekend at Bernie's"? Hey ladies....This is my uncle Brian......

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

I might like you , but if you continue with those comments and I will send 1911 the bullet to shoot your sorry butt with and revoke your free lifetime sharpening of your knife.

Kilo doesn't want to go home any more since he just boated a nice marlin. But he still wants the cash for the Korean Bar.

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