Merry Christmas!!


Long Time Member
Here we are, almost in April, and I am looking out the window at a huge snow storm! If I hear one more person say we need more "moisture" I'll.....nevermind.

I should have just stayed in New Mexico.

I know, this should have probably been posted in the Utah Forum lol....
Sweet man! Sorry for your misery, but the kids and I are booked at the Cliff @ Snowbird for a long weekend in a couple of weeks! ;) Hopefully there will be enough left for some turns!



PS: Forecast is for 82 degrees and sunny here in Phx today...... Sorry, I couldn't resist! ;)
Man, I was walking around in my driveway at 5am in my boxers this morning and was still sweating. I think we might hit 90 here today.

Gonna have to put some sleevless shirts on so that I don't get a farmer tan too horribly bad.

I did however find a bobcat bess hornytoad bookin it across the desert on a location this morning. By that I mean he was packin a canteen!
Still winter here in Wyoming and snowig big time right now. I think I'm becoming suicidal. There won't be any critters left to kill if this keeps up!
Rain stopped last night, sunny today and the forecast is sunny and warmer for the next 10 days. Just hold out guys, spring may be getting here after all.

Going to load the sprayer on the ATV and spray roundup on about two acres to keep all the grass and weeds down for summer fire protection. Will not spray a section around the fruit trees so the deer will have a reason to come into the yard and nibble things down.


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