Merry Christmas To YA ALL...



Welp it's 10:09 and I'm here at work finishing up , just a little over an hour till I'm back with the Family enjoying Christmas Eve.Just wanted to drop all of Monster Muleys members/crew A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. To Founder , another year passed, Thanks for working this great site , for giving us crazy outdoors people a place to visit, it's a great site and is more fun than not.Hope ya'lls Christmas goes wonderful.

No replys needed, it could get long , but I just wanted say that to you all.Again Merry Christmas , and may the Lord Bless you all....Larry Garcia....NMHUNTNUTT
Larry, Merry Christmas to you and yours! And thanks for the quality contributions that you bring to this site all year long!

Merry christmas to everybody on MM! I just signed up but have watched this sight for a long time and I think it is a great sight. So merry xmas and everybody have a great a prosporus new year!

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