Merry Christmas Bessy



I never got time to mail you your christmas present but I was gonna send you the 2yr old pair of swarovski 10x42 slc binos I have. I thought terra sent them to you until I just noticed she still has them. Text qtip your physical address and they will be sent out monday.

I would also like to thank 2lumpy for the awesome pic of the elk he sent. I would like the chance to buy you a steak at the expo this year if you have the time. I will pm you my cell number in a bit.

PS.... The eyecups in my slc 10x42 fell out. If anyone on here besides me has had bessy give them the shirt off his back he would greatly appreciate a new set. They are only $40. If you don't get any new ones I will buy you some in a month when I come down you grumpy whining ol fart!

Merry christmas to all the mm'ers out there
I'll get em.

Bess I will call you when they get here.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-25-10 AT 08:22PM (MST)[p]Gosh stinky, I hope you're serious and really sending Bess a gift. I'm positive Bess is the kind of guy who would do anything to help another. Stand up guy. I'm sure he'd tell you there's no need to repay him. I'm glad you are. Also nice you did it quietly, not expecting anything back and not trying to show off about it.
That's a cool thing to do Stinky.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
NV, I don't think I like you anymore! I've never had anyone give me a run for my money on being a smartass! I've got a corner on two markets in this forum buddy. One is the "pissing people off" department, and the other one is the "smartass" department. Now back off lol

Now if I'd have been showing off they would have been brand new and not used, secondly I never said you could actually see through them. They simply say swarovski on the side. Some people just like to know they have the brand name!
stinkystomper, BBop is going to be surprised. All those pisscutters he's been spotting through his old Bushnells are actually big bucks!


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

Well Eel!

There are advantages to low grade Glass!:D

I'm probably the only one around that doesn't understand Ground Shrinkage?

I was using My Bushnell Spotter in Colorado on a Buck Once,figured he was only about 24" wide,well he ended up 28" wide,are the Swaro's gonna change this?:D

Thanks Guys!

And stinkbug!

Will you check them & make sure your Cannons you shoot haven't knocked some of the Lenses out of them before you send them?:D
(((RAZZIN Ya!)))


God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
I waiting until he gives up Qtpie for a new Model. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Gator, are you makin an offer?????????? my cornflakes are gettin stale. I think I might need some frosted flakes. lol

I took my wife to lubbock christmas eve. It was suppose to be my christmas present. She asked what we were doing. I told her to drop me off at the mall, stay in the car, and leave.

She asked why?

I told her I was going to upgrade her.

So she did as I said. As I was sneaking up on this really hot younger blonde who was really into me I felt a tap on my shoulder. Guess who? it was qtip. She held out her ring hand and said wow honey it only cost you $30 grand for the upgrade aren't you happy.

She put the leash back around my neck and drug me home.

She may not let me upgrade but I think she will let me share her, if someone offers up free hunts! sooooooooo.......... whatya got planned?

Hey bessy, problem with those binos is that you will never shoot now. Everything in them appears to be way to small regardless of the size. Their green for a reason. There the greenies greatest invention yet.
Green Huh?

Is this gonna make me a Greenie stinkbug?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
yeah apparently the wife never mailed them. Forgot them in her huge friggin pile of crap she keeps in her office. They actually went out ups on january 17th. Now in return I'm gonna politely ask bessy to point me to your house when i next meet him.
Heard B-Bop got the Swarovski Binos but really didn't like the feel of them and they had a small scratch on one lense so he traded them to Eel for a pair of Bushnell 7 by 40s and $10.00. A little steel wool on the lense and two rolls of black elect tape and Eel has them working like new.Both guys are really happy now.You made there year Stinky.
Ummmm yeah, went out on January 17th. Sure hope Bess hasn't been holding his breath while waiting for Santa.
Who's house are you looking for. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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