Mental note, avoid saturday deer season opener in Idaho.



Wow, I thought Washington was crowded! Somehow I must have picked the best spot in unit 31 because everyone else was there also. Think I'll wait for mid week openers from now on.
thank u fish & game for making unit 22 a forkie only hunt...most of the boise-nampa-caldwell people that used too hunt 22 moved into 31 32 or 32A last year & this year..I hunted 31 also & about every other rig parked or driving the roads were 1A & 2C plates well did u see any deer????
I saw a 2 point and about 25 does. I didn't realize so many quads could go into one small area so early in the morning. Oh well, I will try for a whitetail in November. How about you, did you see any bucks?
It is sad I took the wife out saturday morning we had a group of bucks we had been watching & were headed into their hide out when some road hunting A@#hole stopped on the road & popped a quick shot sent them over the ridge I got her back on them an hour later & she smoked the 4x3 that was biggest of the bunch..some other dipshit was shooting at a huge buck that was 800 to 1000 yards off the road he just ran over the top..we hiked back in on sunday aprox 3 miles from the road & saw around 20 different bucks 1 of my boys smoked a heavy 5x4 about 25" wide we packed him out about 5 1/2 miles... went in this past saturday & hiked about 12 miles saw 10 different bucks nothing big enough to shoot..went yesterday & saw 1 forkie & about 10 does..they are so spooky right now seems like every other rig stops & shots at anything from the road..
I hunted and packed meat for the first 2 days of the general opener and never saw another hunter in the field...and it was like heaven on earth :)
i agree (OLDHORNHUNTER) I use to hunt 32 and 32a with no one around, this last year i saw people trespassing on private land, people blocking trails, and 4wheelers everywhere. all you could here all day was the noise of 4wheelers cruising trails. soooooo annoying!!!
same story here I used to hunt 22 until all the Boise valley people moved into it..than I started hunting 32 had access to some real good private land that bordered some BLM & state land until the land owner got pissed because people were cutting his fences to access his property so he shut it off completely.I have hunted 32A also but again was on private land same story..alot of people have no respect for other peoples land wheter its posted or not..I hunt 31 now I have access to private land that also lets me access BLM & state land that u cant get to otherwise..we have to hike 1 1/2 miles one way to get too where we start hunting but the animals apparently like the area very there is no roads or 2 tracks in there...31 was the same story around any roads or 2 tracks trucks 4 wheelers hell we even saw people hunting out of mini vans..saw one family that had a 4 wheeler in the back of the truck & a kid with a shot gun was shooting chukar from it as they drove down the is not going to change until F&G has the authority to confinscate them..maybe some dip squat that looses his $8,000 quad because he was to damn lazy to walk will open his eyes..
this is me (A1CRendo)

I have hunted this one area for a while. it is really good, lots of deer. but there is a private section a little lower and i see guys riding cross country on their quads along the fences. I was stalking in on a buck i bedded that morning and i was about 500yds out when i heard BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, BOOM........BOOM! the deer i was stalking had some does with him and they all left so he followed. pissed off, i started hiking towards the gun shots and sure as #####, there was a dude shooting onto that private land at a baby forky. I went up and talked to him and told him it was private. he didnt seem to care, he grabbed his illegally shot, blown up deer that he hit twice with a .338, put it on his quad, and drove off cross country, no trail!!!

that kind of stuff drives me nuts, i talked to another guy who owned some property and he said "##### all hunters" "shoot first, ask questions later" he was talking about shooting at us. I asked him why he was so hostile? he said that people kept cutting through his gate so he built a metal one. then someone hooked a chain to it and used a truck to rip it down

people like that make us look bad and make hunting harder and harder to enjoy
it isnt going to change there are not enough F&G officers to cover the areas they are assigned & some of these land owners are ignorant also..they only post what is closest to the roads or easiest for them or their ranch hands to get to we run into them posting BLM & State land also..I was over around Mtn Home horn hunting a couple of weeks ago & ran into the BLM ranger & we got to talking about these off road buttheads & he said it was really tough to do anything with them & if they did catch them most of them got it was pretty much a waste of thing is for sure until F&G gets some good judges/attorneys that can & will get the charges to stick on these poaching law breaking POSs we are loosing our game to them
And I bet you every one of those private land owners that won't let people hunt on their ground has their G-damned hand out wanting depradation money from us.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-10 AT 08:32PM (MST)[p]Not all of them! I can attest to that!
The only thing that I have ever seen is help for yotes and crickets!
Last year was really big for yotes and crickets and the plane made a couple trips over the ranch for yotes! Owner is pretty loose on allowing yote hunters on his land before and during spring calfing season! Other than that, NO ONE, hunts the ranch. Not even him or his family! It ain't that biggame attracting anyway! The State does provides cricket meal, free of charge , to help try and stop the swarm!
Anyone that made a trip over the Owyhees, on 95, last spring / early summer, can attest to the thousands and thousands of dead crickets on the highway! It was a road hazard!
Well i know from asking near unit 44 and 45 that a lot of them are all rich guys want the hunting all to themselves.

A lot of people are selling their hunting rights to people who then charge ace loads of money for deer and elk hunting. even coyotes. its sad.

If more people would respect that land they hunt and the landowners land this whole issue would be less of one all together i think. I shed hunt around mountain home as well and there is land posted near roads and then everything else is just fence. hard to tell
One of the problems that I've seen in the past couple of years is the amount of horses and llamas that people are hauling out into the country and just droppin off! I'm sure the economy has to do with this, but the farmer / rancher has to deal with these animals, like wildlife depradation, except it's a bigger pain in the rear!
really? i havent heard of that? so they just go out and leave them?

so i know of a spot where this guy owns a lot of land and he said if i get the depredation cow tag he would show me where they are and after i shot one he would even load it in his bucket of his tractor and take to my truck hahaha. he hates the elk that much
It gets to the point where the owner can't afford to feed the animals and no one wants to buy and feed them either. Heck! It's hard to give a horse away these days!

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