Memorial Day...What it's really about.



To all of you:

Please take one minute of your time on Monday to really sit and think about what Memorial Day is about. I know I will be working and some of you may not, whatever you do that day please think about those that are no longer here with us that have paid the ulitmate sacrifice for the freedoms that we enjoy and take for granted every single day. It's THEIR Day.

This is why I take the time.


Each donned their uniform to be

Defenders of our liberty

Their mission sure, their spirits bright

Guard freedom?s home, be brave to fight

One final day each faced their call

Each gave their best enduring all

We'll never know what they went through

But know they loved this country true

Deep down inside we should all feel

What heroes gave, their cost so real

We must stay thankful, grateful of

The gift of freedom through their love

Their loved ones bore the gravest pain

What we can't know, some now sustain

To God I pray their pain will cease

And each will find long-lasting peace

Remember this from year to year

What heroes gave ? shan't disappear

We'll never let their special day

Their time for honor slip away

These brave fought for a nation free

If not for them, where would we be?

Thanks for listening.

Aim Center Mass
And yet nobody responds to a serious post like this.

I thank all American soldiers, past, present, and future.

"I'll keep my guns, freedom, and money.
You can keep the "change"!"
I live a small town in a valley with 3 other small towns, and ever since I was a kid in high school the vets have asked me to play taps on Memorial Day, and at funerals for vets.

It always brings up feelings of deep respect for these men. Most of them around here have been WWI, WWII, Korean Conflict, or Vietnam vets. After 25 years of doing this, I have watched the numbers of vets shrink year by year down to only a handful. Ranks have grown since 911, but it always amazes me that out of a valley with less than 1500 people living in it that there were so many men in the military back in the old days. I'm sure the rest of you can relate in your hometowns.

I look at them now that they are aging and in their later years with wrinkles and droopy shoulders and see an old man, that was once a tough son of a buck fighting for our country. Each of them has a story, each served in some way. Some saw the worst war has to offer, while others dutifully did whatever was asked. Some still carry shrapnel in their bodies, and others hear nothing at all from the deafening blasts they endured day after day. Most have family and friends who never made it home to enjoy the freedom they helped to keep.

This is a time to remember..... remember this great and free country is great and free because of the men and women that gave all to make and keep it that way.

Freedom is worth fighting for.

Without our fearless men and women we would have no hunting and no MM to talk about it!

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