members of da clubs


Active Member
This is probabally going to sound like a rant and in part it is but I do have a few questions couched in here somewhere so please bear with me.

I will start off saying that I am not a fan of most of the larger wildlife organizations.
I'm not saying that these groups have done some important things in the past and that they might do some good things in the future, but please.

I'm getting pretty sick and tired of people telling me that the only reason we have any animals to hunt is because of the SFW. Utah would be a barren waste land without them. We owe them all of the conservation tags they want because they have done soooo much.

Utah went from 500 tags to 5000 LE and OIL tags due soley to the fact that these groups stepped forward and gave of themselves for the rest of us.

They have done some good stuff but how can you really say that they are the only reason that we are where we are at right now, or that its a giant blessing???

Goats and Moose are new here and have been growing like they should.

I realize that they have been pushing sheep pretty hard, and I give them Kudos for that.

I'm sure they have helped some with turkeys but it seems like that was something the DWR was doing anyway.

Utah has a fantastic elk herd that will offer now VERY limmited access. They have pushed hard on that. And they have pushed hard on habitat for these animals.....but it seems like the majority of it is on private land which doesnt do most of us a lot of good. There is the famous Don quote "if they want to shoot a 320 bull they should hunt Colorado". That doesnt seem like he's looking out for the majority or hunters.

They are now starting to put their eyes on the deer herd and I hope they dont repeate their success on the elk with the deer. I wouldnt look forward to having a great herd that I get to hunt only once or twice more in my life.

I guess the bottom line is that it seems to me like most of these organizations have lost their way. They are all about "look at what we have done for you" and "if you dont give us these tags things will go to the crapper". If I hear one more time that they are the ONLY reason we have anything to hunt I'm going to puke. Or that if I really cared about wildlife in this state I'd join support and shut up.
It almost feels like a union shakedown.
I've been there. I've done tons of dedicated hunter hours, served on comittees and setup and helped at banquets. I've gone to other comittess, been to RACs and done the dance. Most of the time I'm just a cog in their wheel.

I do believe that people can make a difference and that we should make our voices and thoughts heard. We should support those things that we believe in and that we feel will make a difference.

I just have a hard time seeing what these clubs are doing now to merit their pay (tags), or the influence that they wield. I dont feel that we owe it to them just beause they tell us things will fall apart if we dont or because they tell us that they are the sole reason we have anything.

Anyway just a few of my thoughts.

respect my authorita

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