Mellette SD Antelope Help



I am looking for any info regarding Antelope hunting in Mellette County SD. Any info is appreciated. I am sorry, I know the best answer is Scout Scout Scout, normally I would. Unfortunately I just moved to SD, and don't even know a starting point as far as public, or hunter friendly land.
Blair, I dont know diddly but maybe if you call Pronghorn Guide service, Eli Grimmett or how about the chambers of commerce around there? I would get ahold of any sporting goods stores, meat lockers etc....and just get as much info as possible.....Hope you do well....... Thanks, Allen Taylor......
Thanks Allen. I dropped pronghorn an e-mail yesterday to see if they know anyone around that area. Acording to there site they are more to the north. I didn't even think about the sporting good stores. I contacted the county and got a list of landowners, I am planning on heading down there this weekend to try and talk to a few. Biggest problem I am having is the fact there is limmited public hunting area. It sure was nice to know the areas I hunted in Az.

At least I can hunt deer from my back yard where I am at. I have a nice 10pt white tail patterned that I am hoping to get with my bow at the end of the month.

Thanks for the info.


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