Mel Gibson


Long Time Member
Is this dude loosing it or what?

Every morning now for 4 or 5 days they play new recorded phone calls of him ranting at his girlfriend, the dude has serious issues.
I'm hoping he just has some rage issues, and didn't really hold a gun to her. He's always been one of my favorites, but it's getting harder and harder to like him now.
He's obviously not WHAT WOMEN WANT. There were SIGNS he was going to flip out. I hope she has a BRAVEHEART and cuts off all contact with him before he breaks out a LETHAL WEAPON.
If it is all true then he has lost it, but TMZ was also reporting that Mel's team has proof of significant tampering and editing of these tapes. These tapes all came out when he refused to pay her huge amounts of money. Whole thing is fishy.

If he is that big of an A$$ then get's what he deserves. If not, hope she gets what she deserves.
I really don't care, other than I hate to see anyone railroaded.

The guy is way anti-gun, way anti-hunting and pretty much a wimp, in real life.

I appreciate his talent, but I wouldn't spend the day fishing with him.

If all this stuff is true, I'll bet Danny Glover kicks the chit out of him!
The Jewish Defense League is dancing on the table laughing their heads off about Mel getting his justice.

He is nutty as squirrel chit. Of course, so is basically anyone in Hollywood. Something about the fame and fortune just seems to short circuit the common sense out of people.
"somebody somewhere is tired of her sshit"
that somebody is mel...............

nice post/thanks for sharring
I think it sounded like they edited out when she said and then recorded over it. It sounded like he was on speaker phone and she was in a studio.

I love the part when he said something like "someone needs to club you in the head" and the 30 seconds of him breathing hard lol
Mel's legal crew is thowing out that "editing" stuff to try to muddy up the water. I'm sure the tapes were edited to condense them. However, those tapes are all Mel and real. I figure most Hollywood stars are that nutty and self centered.
I sympathize with Mel. When a guy wants to play piano and his girl falls asleep, what's a guy supposed to do now?

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