Megan fox's thumb.

That thumb would probably do alot for most guys self esteem in the bedroom.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Slight thread jack....many years ago when I was still in the Navy and stationed in Nevada I heard of a guy who was building his own guns...built a .50 and wanted more so he built a 20mm. Was out goofing off one day and had a malfunction which caused the bolt to fly back and hit his thumb. Eventually USN had to amputate his thumb. He wanted to continue flying so he had a doc take off his big toe and graft it where his thumb used to be.

back to topic....I didn't know Megan Fox had thumbs...there are a couple other places I would rather concentrate on.

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