meeting in the chatroom asap

Guess that lets me out.. I don't even know how to get in to the chat room..
>Don't bother yourselves about it guy's.
>It's an elitist Mormon thing.


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
"don't bother yourselves about it guys, It's an elitist Mormon Thing"

If that is true, then why are there several Baptists lurking in there.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 07:22AM (MST)[p]>Don't bother yourselves about it guy's.
>It's an elitist Mormon thing.

LOL - Elitest?? - Maybe. Mormon??? Not hardly!

If you really want in, PM TripleK - she let Rugarm in!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
baptists? I'm not in there! I heard they were dancing! ROFL!

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
I can only imagine some of the topics discussed in the chatroom:

-Tampons or pads?

-kiss on the first date?

-Open forum- your feelings on the King James Bible

-Brad Pitt or Hugh Jackman?

-Tighty whites or boxers?

-RUM? What's the deal with this cartridge?

>Forgot one.....
>-Feleno or Hunt-Rez?

Uhhh Wiszard have you forgot that you have been to the chatroom?

Robert, I found out this morning that indeed you are a distant COUSIN of Ransom aka Overton. Please don't hold that against me when we meet later.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 02:52PM (MST)[p]I was hoping I wasn't the only one that saw the humor in the Subject title.

"Come on girlsss, let'ssss go!"

I was able to hold my laughter and tears for just over an hour or so. Thanks for the humor overturn, intended or not. It's hard to type with laughy tears in your eyes.
>AT 07:22?AM (MST)

>>Don't bother yourselves about it guy's.
>>It's an elitist Mormon thing.
>LOL - Elitest?? - Maybe. Mormon???
>Not hardly!
>If you really want in, PM
>TripleK - she let Rugarm
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Wow EVEN RUGARM,,,, If that sorry azz can get in anyone can. LOL
It just like a bar they let me in.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Ransom- You're right, I've been in the chatroom.....ONCE!! I jumped out immediately when you guys started talking about where you're birthmarks were hidden!!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-09 AT 10:11PM (MST)[p]>Ransom- You're right, I've been in
>the chatroom.....ONCE!! I jumped out
>immediately when you guys started
>talking about where you're birthmarks
>were hidden!!

Well that should have been included in the special report.

This just in. After seaching the archives that event didn't occur. You were asked to leave when you asked 3K where her birthmarks were, 12 times.
This will have to be included in special investigation II.
although i've never been allowed in the chatroom i was asked to be part of the B.I.T. (Birthmark Investigation Team). perhaps this baby picture of KKK's birthmark will answer some questions

Reguarding 3K's baby picture that is a serious rule violation. No wonder 3K has not given you the secret password. Lucky for you today is Easter. Go to confession and make sure the priest signs a verification note with full documentation of your confession.
Don't tell him about the number painted on your back, Eel will be punished for that infraction.

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