Medical Marijuana


Long Time Member
Seems like its being legalized in a lot of places across the U.S. Should the sick, disabled and dying who rely on this be subject to the same penalties of the law as the rest of us? What ya think?
>this is what happens when I'm
>not longer able to get
>my medical marijuana :)

Stoner huh? That explains a lot!! (just kidding :D)
Success is failure that tried one more time
You do know that they make a synthetic form of MaryJane - it's called Marinol.

Had a go worker who had throat cancer (he was a smoker all his life.) He said they had to "bake" his body with radiation and chemo to try and kill the cancer. He said the Marinol did help his pain and nausea.

I think a doc from any old state can write an RX for this stuff, but hey, if you want to inhale, go for it!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-03-09 AT 02:59PM (MST)[p]Laws here in Canada are a bit slacker than down south really here you have to make a real effort to get arrested for weed, but as a good friend of mine who spend 25 years on the police force once said: "nobody gets stoned and beats their wife".

I'd say legalize it, and tax the hell out of it just like tobacco and Alcohol.


When in doubt, floor it.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you find a big stick.
all the places they have legalized it have turned into s$$t hole towns.

Ban It!


Archery is a year round commitment!!

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