Great topic, and one I have debated over and over. I am one of the few believers in mechanicals. I began shooting mechanicals about 9 or 10 years ago because they are accurate and they fly like darts. I have shot elk, deer, and bear, and never had a problem, and always had great entry/exit wounds - in fact, my bull last year barely made it 25 yards. BUT, each year I debate with fellow archers about whether I will use them again. This year I have a great elk hunt planned, and again, I find myself debating and defending my choice to shoot mechanicals. In all fairness, I think mechanicals are unfairly criticized. That being said, I think I might convert this year. I guess it is because I don't want to even take the chance that my equipment might fail - there are already too many things that can go wrong, why add another. And, nothing would be worse than wounding a big ol' bull. Bottom line, this year it'll be 28 1/2 inches of fixed blade fury for me.