McCall Idaho Unit 24


New Member
This year my brother and I will be heading to McCall Idaho with an elk tag / mule deer tag. I have the deer tag and that’s only for unit 24. Not looking for any secrets, but would be interested to know what people’s thoughts are. We’re going to be trying to hunt the unit 24/25 line. Backpacking in and plan to cover several miles of territory. Doesn’t look like an easy hunt which excites us the most.
I live in unit 24
Please get a wolf tag, or 5
Beautiful country. It looks like it should be full of critters, it used to be
You are probably going to be disappointed with the quantity of deer/elk

But with that said as long as you are planning on enjoying the entire experience and not expecting to wade through animals looking for the right one you should still have fun.
Bow? Rifle?
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Yessir planning to get a wolf tag each. We’re aware of the conditions of game population. We live in Virginia and it’s the same way. Use to be great, but now public land is more or less just a bunch of hiking trails. We’ll be rifle hunting the last week of October. We’re trying to figure out if we should focus on the northern side of 24 or southern. I expect game to be in the timbers / thick areas still at that point. I’m hoping that by the end of October, the deer are starting to rut a little bit and maybe the elk at starting to move a little (pending the weather)….looks like October is the same for you guys as it is us…might be warm, might be cold.
You guys will go in there and shoot a couple dinks because you need to fill the tags you bought like every other guy that comes across country and it’s all you saw the entire week. Thus, those units will continue to not be good deer units.

Theres elk in there, if your lucky you’ll land in an area that holds some but like md said, there not everywhere. Hopefully you see a wolf with a chance to shoot. Most of the time you just hear um in there
I know what you mean; however, we won’t be shooting dinks because it’s too much to have to fly back. We’re going for experience. I’ve killed enough game in my life. Hope to just find some game to make it an eventful week at least.

Thank you for your response
I know what you mean; however, we won’t be shooting dinks because it’s too much to have to fly back. We’re going for experience. I’ve killed enough game in my life. Hope to just find some game to make it an eventful week at least.

Thank you for your response
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