McCain is Smart

"John McCain held a barbecue recently for reporters at a two-story cabin near Sedona, Ariz., that sits on 15 acres owned by his wife's family trust and a real estate partnership in her name. The property includes four single-family homes and is worth nearly $1.8 million."

I wonder who mows the lawn?:)

McCain not only married a younger wife, he also married one that was pretty and very rich. I guess that makes him alot smarter then Dude gave him credit.

What, mcain's making money from his political aspirations? People are just throwing money at him and his campaign (which, BTW can be spent how ever he pleases so it is his money)? Wow, how immoral . . .
My comment was directed at RELH who, for some reason thinks that political figures making money fairly and legally in the USA is a crime. . .

That's your best spin so far. I have never said that and you can not locate any qoute from me that indicates that. What's the matter, you have to stoop to downright lying now instead of the liberal spin you put on things. My complaint has always been directed at the dishonest political members.


Get him cuz. LOL you can chase him but were you ever in a greased pig contest as a kid? Corner them and they slip away, catch one and the others come after you.
I still think kerosine is the answer.

My bad RELH, youre right. My comments should have been directed at PRO, and NOT you, I'm sorry. . .
Well, show me a politician who has EVER done anything fairly and honestly and I might have some respect for him/her.

I firmly believe you could corrupt the Pope if you elected him as a senator for a year.
RELH if you think McCain wife is pretty I can give you the name of a good Lasik doctor who could help your vision a lot, he sure helped mine.

I found Mrs McCains photo and I see what you mean. She is butt ugly.


Cornhusker, McCain's wife has a few years on herself now, find a photo of her when she was younger and you would change your tune. By the way she is older then Hillary and I do not have to tell you who is butt ugly between that two.
My eyesight is still better then 20/20 at my age,for distance, can you say the same.

Hell, the picture above of the Elephant and Butt Ugly Billary, the elephant in the back ground is ten times better looking that the old hag in the front. LOL

Ransom , there's a difference between a guy who made a billionaire out of himself and a guy who married a millionaire woman. Turner has forgotten more about business and economics than McCain will ever know.

McCain might be some form of Duce Bigalow how I'm not sure, the old coot married good I'll give him that but it doesn't put him in the class Turner is by a long shot.

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