MBT type shoes


Long Time Member
Does these type of shoe really work. The rocking to and fro and the balance that it makes you do,Does it really help you with your core muscles. Watching the video make you want a pair but if it just a gimmick I don't want to waste the money.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
are you talking about the shoes made by scetcher[SP??] endorsed by joe montana?

if so i've heard nothing but good about them. 1 guy i work for said he's been taking pain pills for his back for a yr, done multiple procedures on his back, and after 2 weeks of wearing these he has no pain in his back. i'm thinking of trying a pair out.
Never heard of them until I read your post. Look interesting for sure. http://www.wanderingeducators.com/marketplace/apparel/do-mbt-shoes-really-work.html
Yes Joe's shoes are just another brand their are 185 different shoe companies that make a shoe like these.I'm just wondering if they REALLY work.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
No dude, they aint gonna do jack for ya. If ya want your core worked out go get a big rubber ball. use it to do ball situps, pushups, and an armbridge with. Those will tighten your abs like you wouldn't believe and slam your core muscles. When they say "core", what fitness experts are refering to are the back muscles that extend under your spine and connect internally to your core. We as hunters refer to them as tenderloins. just my two.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

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