Mayweather v. Mosley


Long Time Member
I've bought several UFC cards in the last few years but I haven't paid for a boxing match since Mayweather v. De La Hoya. I think I'll get this one. Anyone else watching?
Save your money and wait for Mayweather vs. Pacquiao later this summer. It is going to happen. Too much money for either fighter to not do it at this point in their career. Moseley has lost his touch and is really just a tomato can for Mayweather right now.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I hope mayweather will man up and fight pacquiao. Everyone says that it will happen, I'm not so optimistic. I think Mayweather knows he will lose, and doesn't want to take a loss on his record. He wants to always say that he's the best because he'll retire without a loss on his record. Just my opinion. It's just he's not the most humble ya know.
Mayweather is an illiterate, retarded, bumpkin. You got all the money in the world and you can't hire an English tutor? I hope Mosely kicks his azz....but I doubt he can.

Same thing with Tyson....goes to prison, has nothing to do for all that time and dosen't learn a single word of English.

Mosely, on the other hand, has applied himself and is at least someone you can understand.

This is also the main reason I despise the NBA and the NFL...they cultivate ignorance.

Yeah, I hear it all the time, "Bet you wouldn't call them names to their face".....Wrong, they are fighters, I am a shooter.

Admittedly racist, in this regard. You live in this country, speak English.
Boxing? WTH is boxing? Is that the sport where you can only use your hands, kind of like reverse soccer?

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
CAfork- not just the hands.My son is a boxer. I watch him train. Footwork ,balance ,speed and brains. I weight 170. No way i can have a chance against a decent welterweight . Those dudes are scary. I got Mayweather tomorrow.Decision.
if you looked up "ni**er" in the dictionary, you would see apicture of mayweather, what a tool. he's running from manny paqio( sp??) and although the trash talking is part of the hype, he goes to an extreme
I never could understand why anyone would pay to watch a fight when it is usually shown for free a day or two later.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Those saying Mayweather is scared of Pac Man, look at the situation. Floyd agreed to EVERY outrageous demand Pac had, 7 ounce gloves, 10 million per each pound over weight, all Pac had to do was agree to random blood testing, which he DID NOT! Tell me who is scared of who. Get your media blinders off and actually look at the situation. Pac would get worked by Mayweather. Pac fights people who walk in and take his punches, he would not be able to hit Floyd like he does everyone else. Look at the film instead of going off of you bigot opinions.

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