Mayweather Jr in the UFC???

  • Thread starter timberline_shedfreak24
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I heard that Floyd Mayweather Jr was runnin his big mouth about how we would kick butt in the UFC. That is the funniest thing Ive heard in a long time, I would love to see him step in the octagon with anyone in the UFC. He would get killed. I hate boxing. Its so boring. What do you guys think?

His hands in 4oz gloves would be scary. He'd need to take some serious time to work on take down and submission defense. He was talking about MMA in general. He has a relationship with
with Mark Cuban who owns HDNET Fights. If he were to try MMA (which I doubt will ever happen)I'd most likely be in Cuban's promotion.

PBF and De la Hoya are talking rematch. He'll make more money in that fight than any MMA'er has made in thier whole career. I think he'll stick to boxing and continue to be one of the all-time greats.

I love boxing but MMA is, in my opinion more exciting as a whole.
It will never happen, but I would love to see it. I'm probably in the minority here, but I think he would do better than most people think. I agree with AZ402. With 4oz gloves Mayweather would be scary.

Hughes and St. Pierre are examples of guys who were pretty raw and one dimensional at the beginning of their careers. Both have evolved into two of the most well rounded fighters in MMA.

I don't care for Mayweather and hope De La Hoya shuts him up.
Too bad it will never happen as said above. He makes way more money in boxing , but have to believe although he does have lightning fast hands that there would be alot more comp for him , where as in boxing there just isn't any fighters in a level as he is. I don't really care for him but find myself buying his fights because he is one of boxings last great fighters , atleast for now...Lets ee if the Delajoya fight will happen...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-08 AT 09:01AM (MST)[p]> where as
>in boxing there just isn't
>any fighters in a level
>as he is.
Umm, Cotto would be a very big challege for him I think. De La Hoya gave him as good as a fight as anyone had. There is no reason he couldn't do it again.

There are some MMA guys with boxing backgrounds, so it can be done. Alessio Sakara, Jens Pulver, Marcus Davis and Chris Lytle are guys that come to mind.
Stan, I will buy the fight and I will hope that Oscar can pull off the upset , but I have my doughts(spelling). Mayweather is very much at the top of his game right now,and I believe he realizes that the window of top performance is very limited and he right now eats,sleeps and drinks boxing, everyday.I don't believe DeLaJoya keeps his workouts the way he did when he carried belts and although I'm sure he stays in great shape , there is a huge difference between great shape and fight ready. Mayweather is always in fight shape and just have to believe that this fight will be Oscars last big money fight and the camp believes he has some chance of taking the belt to top off his career.Lile I said , I like Oscar in this fight but just don't see it, but I can be very wrong as well. Floyd sometimes gets too comfortable and messes around and that can someday catch up with him...
Fast-handed as he may be, Mayweather would get killed against a skilled MMA fighter. He is a counter puncher and has never had to defend takedowns and leg kicks. He is pretty much one-dimensional and when he gets in close, can duck and slide with the best of them, lower leg kicks would eliminate this and keep him stationary. He wouldn't be able to get in close and when he did, he could easily be taken down.

It won't ever happen though.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy I agree to an extent, but he is a fighter. Of course he wouldn't enter the octagon being a one demensional fighter and rely just on his boxing skills. But as long as the fight stays up and standing, his speed and knockout strength would have to be respected.I don't think he would be dominant but being that he is a World class fighter, I'm sure he would get top training in MMA before hand and I believe he could become a good fighter. I'm not defending him as I've said, I don't really care for him and do love the UFC and the fighters of MMA.Everything you said would play true if he were to enter the octagon now , but I'm sure he is smarter than that and would get some serious MMA coaches that would introduce him to full contact.
I agree that if he went in purely relying on his boxing, he'd get destroyed. But if he trained with Team Quest, Bas Rutten or some other higly regarded team; for say a year? He could be very competitive. Especially in say the WEC, were there is a 145lb and 135lb class. He'd have big trouble with 155'ers, most cut from 170 plus to make weight.( he fought in the Olympics at 125lb)

Also PBF has had major hand problems (breaks and other injuries). He's switched glove companies several times. 4oz gloves would not be very kind to his hands. I say it wont happend for several reasons.

I'm not saying he is someone I like. I do though, have a great amount of respect for his skills in the boxing ring.
Agreed, It probably would never happen but if it did he would get killed. I just hate people that run their mouths thinkin they could just step into the UFC and beat down anyone they came across. It just would not happen. Anyone in Mayweathers weight class would kill him, anyone. UFC is so much more demandin than boxing, Stamina, Strikes, Submissions, Takedowns everything. Anyone that thinkgs they can just hop in the octagon without experiencing a serious a** whooopin is out of their mind.

The article I read didn't say anything about him just stepping into MMA. He mentioned some serious MMA training and would see how it went from there.

He's got more than enough cardio for MMA, just not the skill set.
Who was the heavy weight boxer who just got rocked by the street fighter KIMBO... That is what would happen to mayweather.. and to you AZ402 if you send me another phone message like the last one.... phag


Later, Brandon
>Who was the heavy weight boxer
>who just got rocked by
>the street fighter KIMBO... That
>is what would happen to
>mayweather.. and to you AZ402
>if you send me another
>phone message like the last
>one.... phag

>Later, Brandon

Haha!! The former pro boxer was Ray Mercer and it was the lamest fight ever. Kimbo however will be fighting Tank Abbott pretty soon in an Elite-EXC promotion...
The thing about Kimbo and Tank Abbott is that they are 2 minute guys at the most! They've got 2 minutes to finish a guy or they will get picked apart for the rest of the round. Kimbo is a brawler and has been studying MMA for a short time. If he continues to train with quality people, he may make it into the MMA. He needs cardio to be able to go deep into rounds though. Guys like Andre Arlovski and Cro Cop who can go deep into rounds will let Kimbo gas himself out and then over power him. Just my opinion.

I would not like to see Mayweather in the UFC. Just cuz you can box doesn't mean you can do it all. He'd get worked in the UFC.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-08 AT 04:33PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-08 AT 04:32?PM (MST)

Once again, he never said anything about wanting to come to the UFC. The only organization he even mentioned being part of was HDNET fights.

He is WAY to small for UFC fighters. He probably walks around at 150lbs. I think he weighed in for his fight with De La Hoya at 151, the heaviest he has ever fought at.

His main interest I think was to invest in MMA. Or possibly train some MMA fighters in the Sweet Science.

He's no dummy and wouldn't go into a MMA ring or cage without proper training. If he were to go ahead with it, he'd be well prepared. But like several have mentioned It wont happen. So all we can do is specualte.

Put any UFC/MMA fighter from 155 and under in the boxing ring with Mayweather and he'd beat them like a drum.
Stan I can tell you understand and appreciate boxing. Your words are very true. Mayweather is no chump and although he is and can be mouthy, he has pretty much backed it up.

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