Maybe The Germans Are Smarter



Mobile phone company Nokia is closing a plant in Germany costing 2300 jobs and who knows how many indirectly. the move is for cheaper labor in Romania, so what's the big deal we see this daily in the US? the difference is the Germans don't see it as a positive move, people are smashing their Nokia phones and boycotting the company. here in the US we can lose 23,000 jobs and we're told it's for the better, people will just have to find new and better jobs. maybe the global economy advocates who think eveything being imported including the money to buy it should watch the Germans, they actually promote buying domestic made products and keeping German jobs.

Now with the economy in trouble we may look around and see American jobs are important, and we can't afford to just be a consumer and debtor nation. I always buy American first and support a company who employs American workers, I don't know why the US is the only country oblivious to that.
Yeah, so dont eat any Hershey products Dude! They shut down and moved there plant from Oakdale, Ca to MEXICO!!!!! Lots of jobs lost. Good thing those workers were union members huh?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-08 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]Isn't Nokia a Japanese company?? It would probably be like Toyota closing a South Carolina plant here.

How 'bout the good old USA becoming the world leader in manufacturing we once were instead of welcoming imports and out sourcing jobs.

Dude it ain't the Germans that are smarter, you got to look further east. The Chinese are slowly but surely undermining the entire western culture.

We need to go back to our roots!!! "Work harder and expect less"

Our society has become the most selfish on the planet and it "could" be our undoing. Even the poorest & laziest in our country expect a standard of living that is beyond reason!

Sorry! rambling!

Rus you're right, if we're going to pay someone else to do our work while we set on our butts laughing at how cheap we can hire them in time our standard of living goes down as theirs comes up.
I do believe we've boiled this world down to something we all agree on.........amazing.


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