Maybe disappointed in Karl Malone...????


Founder Since 1999
OK, here's a topic for good discussion. Couple things here.

First, I bought a car from Karl Malone Toyota (BTW, great place to buy. They take care of you). Anyway, so I was down there today for service and walked through the area where they have a lot of Karl Malone stuff. Most of it is basketball stuff, but there was some stuff that wasn't, such as his trucking business, pictures of him with celebrities, etc. One wall had pictures of him on what I believe was a hunting trip that Don Peay took him on to Alaska. Anyway, there were pictures of him and Don, he alone enjoying the trip, etc. BUT NOWHERE in all of that Karl Malone museum did I see a picture of him with a trophy animal he's taken....or any animal he's harvested.

So, my first question is, do you guys think that (he) they hide the fact that he hunts and kills animals for business reasons? Maybe not to scare off some customers?

Second question. How many of you would, or have, hidden the fact that you hunt for money? Whether it be to get or keep a job? Etc.
Heck, how many have hidden the fact that you hunt for any reason? To get a girl, etc.????

Final word, I didn't see any Karl Malone pictures with dead stuff, but maybe I just missed it. I don't think so though. And, maybe he's not hiding the fact that he hunts in an effort to please some customers, but it seems like as much as he loves to hunt, that some of his other proud moments would have been when he took a trophy dall sheep or mule deer or elk and that I would have seen a photo or two. Just wondering.

I guess if he does hide the fact that he hunts in an effort to get more people to like him or to make more money, then I'm disappointed. People should stand behind what they believe and love. I think so anyway.

Let's hear what you have to say.

Brian Latturner
I think Karl pretty well speaks his mind. He has over the years playing B Ball and he has over the years been a great supporter of hunting. He has donated a lot of money for hunts for vets, disabled, etc.

He has killed some nice animals. He has done a lot for hunting, and was one of the main celebs helping pass prop 5 when he was still playing for the Jazz.

I have met Karl a few times. He has always been a good ole down to earth guy IMO.

Not sure why he dosen't have hunting pictures up. He will always stick his neck out for hunters from what I know.
I can't speak for Kahl Mahlone, but we had probably 50+ mounts in our Ford dealership for 60 years.

People love coming and looking at the animals. The local retirement home used to bring bus loads of folks over just to see the animals. You can't tell me that is bad for business.

I don't believe it is good business to hide what you believe in. Our local newspaper even ran an article on me offering "a free assault rifle" to anybody who bought a house with me. They were trying to drum up resentment, it didn't work.

I get along great with other rednecks like myself, and if that alienates anti-hunters... then we probably wouldn't have hit it off anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not discounting what he's done for sportsmen. He's awesome. I was just surprised not to see any hunting pics. Maybe he has let the folks who run the dealership put up what they find appropriate and hunting pics is one of them.

Definitely I'm not discounting the great contribution he's made to hunting. That's part of why it surprised me even more to see no hunting pics.

Brian Latturner
I own my own dental practice with my own stand alone building. I have a lot of taxidermy in my office. I choose to put all of my pictures and taxidermy in my own personal office and not out where everyone can see it. I practice in a small mountain town where most people are hunters but I do have a few patients that are not. I understand that some people would rather not see that type of thing and I can respect that. I have many patients that ask to see my trophy room and I am more than happy to show it off. Heck, I even get new patients to my office just because they have heard of my room (I write off my taxidermy). It's personal preference I guess, but just because I put it in the back room doesn't mean I'm ashamed of the fact that I hunt. I don't like it when people push their views on me so I will be respectful and not do the same.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-12 AT 11:49AM (MST)[p]I agree with marley.

Here's a little be honest:
If a business owner/salesman wants all of the business he can get, he sould make it all about the other person even if he has a few mounts in his office.

I have respect for those who don't hunt and I don't want to bash them in the face with my life-style. I'm not "hiding" it from them but I don't talk hunting with everyone.

There is a fine line between being true to yourself and being respectful of other's views. I have no idea if what I do is the RIGHT way to do things but there are those who, when we meet, only want to talk about their garden. Fine, we talk about their garden and I try to learn something from them.
Actually, there are some guys on this site who seem put-off or jealous if a hunter enjoys too much success. It's better to hold back sometimes.

It's a fine line indeed!


BTW: Thanks for a great site Brian. May you have continued success.
I've never hidden the fact that I hunt from anyone for any reason but I don't have anything to loose, I'm just a regular Joe employee. Karl is in a much different situation.
I have my mount proudly displayed in my home and wear hunting hats and clothing every day to work. I would not be with a women that had a problem with hunting or being outdoors...I suppose if I owned a business and had the public coming into my establishment I might have to be careful about putting mounts up?? I'm glad I don't have those issues to deal with....

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Everyone at my law firm knows that I hunt, and most of my clients are also aware of this fact. However, I don't have any taxidermy work hanging in my office. I do have some outdoor and hunting related artwork but no animals.

I am sure that my wife would be more than happy to move a couple of animals from our home to my office. :)


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-12 AT 01:54PM (MST)[p]So I will chime in as well.
Those who don't hunt often don't understand why we do. Somehow they don't relate eating their big mac with a dead cow, so eating it doesn't seem to bother them.
If McDonalds had cow heads and horns on their walls, they would sell a lot less hamburgers. So they don't force the issue.
I am guessing there are similar reasons Karl doesn't display trophies in his business. I am good with that.
I have several trophies in my family room and when I have invited strangers in, it has occasionally made some feel uncomfortable. So I will then invite them back to my living room where there are none.
As Zeke says, it is a fine line we walk with some people and we have to be careful not to push more people to the anti side.
I am good with Karl trying to maximize profits and I suppose I would do the same if I were in his shoes.
I also have mounts and pictures in my office but don't display them in the public areas of my business. And my home is adorned with "dead stuff" pictures and taxidermy and eveyone who knows me knows I am a hunter and what I stand for. I kind of think it is the same thing as not draping my dead animals on the hood of a car anymore. Some nonhunters (NOT anti-hunters) just don't like to look at dead stuff, so I don't push it out in front.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
I have heads in my front room, family room and kitchen. Visitors have to go to the bathroom to get away from them. It doesn't bother me thathe doesn't have heads in his dealership, but not having hunting fishhing pictures does surprize me.

I'd guess it's because he may lose some car sales due to people not wanting to support his hunting monetarily. In MY business, i don't put my hunting pics up either, as they are not related to my 2nd profession of personal training and the fitness world.....but you can be assured i keep plenty of pics in my desk for people who want to see.


I guess none of you listen to what the UDWR Preaches?

Remember the GOOD OLE DAYS?

When everybody was proud to put that dead Buck up on top of a vehicle as high as you could get it to let the whole world admire/see?

Blood & Guts Dripping/Hanging everywhere!


That SShhitt ain't Politically Correct anymore!

And further more there are several other reasons he may not want to Sport his Trophies/Animals!

But more than likely,you gotta remember how many Non-Huntin TARDS He'd be dealing with each day!

And YES,there's a bunch of them PUZZIES out there that if they seen a Picture of a dead animal or a Mount,that would say ##### this place,I'm buying my Rig somewhere else!

If you Boys ain't seen the changes that have been happening the last several years you might wanna start opening your eyes!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
"Remember the GOOD OLE DAYS?

When everybody was proud to put that dead Buck up on top of a vehicle as high as you could get it to let the whole world admire/see?"

Gawd I miss those days.
Highway 80 looked like a parade of deer & elk heads during the months of October and November.
People were proud of them instead of ashamed & apologizing for being a killer.

Awe.....The Good Old Days......
I have no problems with Karl not having his mounts or hunting pics adorn his dealership. He is well known throughout the sporting community as a strong advocate for the rights of hunters and a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

I would guess that most businessmen that are also avid hunters can relate to Karl Malone's situation. Owning or managing a business involves lots of relationships, and for better or worse, that means being conscious of one's perception of you or your business. To those of you that are lucky enough to have a business in the hunting industry, well then, you probably don't have to worry about someone's perception of you being a hunter or avidly pro gun. Lucky you.

There may also be some businesses that are so successful they don't have to worry about other's perception. If you are that successful, then good for you. I am envious, as I don't quite have that succesful of a business yet.

We all want to stand up for what we belive in, but at times, this can and will cost you in business. If I fought everything based on personal principals or beliefs, I would never stop fighting. If you own a business, you will probably understand what I am talking about. If you don't, then you may not get it.

I don't think I have a big issue with the Mail Man.

When W/ customers we talk about what the customer wants & needs. If they hunt we are going to enjoy each others company more than if they dont.
If they are anti I do my best to represent us as sportsman when the subject comes up.
Tommorow night I will be spending the money from an anti @ the elk foundation banquet & that is something I find great pleasure in doing. Sounds like Karl Does the same.
i have a business lots of people come in. i'm in a tourist town so get them from all over.i have deer heads on wall 33incher daughters 30 incher. i don't care what people think they have a problem with them they can go eat somewhere the fall we put up the wall of fame. deer lopes sheep heads all on one wall. it is pretty neat people come to see the heads.there is a place 17 miles away that has tons of mounts in his place makes ours look like to each his ever go to meeker colo go to every business in town there are cool heads in most business.
I doubt if Karl Malone personally cares what others think of his hunting career. He probably "lays low" at his car dealership so his employees aren't burdened with that image. It's their livelihood at stake as much if not more than Karl's.

I do know this much!

They may not be on his Dealership Wall!

But he does have a few/several Trophies!

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

It's been a long hard ride
Got a ways to go
But this is still the place
That we all call home
I know of an instance where an auto dealer had animals displayed for years and when the owner transferred to his son the manufacturer would not allow it until unless the animals were gone. Sad but true.

I also know this dealership lost sales over the years because of the animals. A couple of big fleet accounts as well. Sad.

Some of the manufactureres are making ridiculous stipulations right now from the color of the floor to where the doughnuts and coffee are put. Could be something like that but have no idea for sure.
Where is nickman when you need him?

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
>All speculation. I expect he has
>all of his trophies displayed
>right where he wants them.

I'd have to agree. We have mounts displayed at home & offices; I do not wish to take part in the wussification of America by being PC on something as simple as hunting, in fact, it helps determine what kind of person you are dealing with by their reactions.
No way would I hide the fact that I hunt/kill to make more money, but for a girl?......................................................................................have to think about that one.

Gotta agree with this being a product of the changing times. I hope Karl still decorates his shop at Christmas!

We have got to stop changing our life styles to remain politically correct and get back to standing up for what we believe in. Take pride in the pursuit of fare chase and hang them proudly!

My living room has mount of the animals I have harvested and I don't care who sees them. They are apart of who I am and a culture I believe in.

And yes I did say Christmas and I will say God and Country too. Lol

Karl has been a great ally to the hunting culture over the years I am sure he has good reason for this change. Maybe someone should just ask him why.
Brian, Carl is known as a basketball player by 90% of the general public. So goes the basketball memorabilia .
I would chose to have my trophies where I cas see them. I've been in his home while he lived in Ut. His house was loaded with mounts. But had twice as much basketball memorabilia .
I will always remember Carl as a generous man. About 4 years ago I got a call from him. He told me that he had heard about my friend with cancer. He had bought a Pahvant elk tag , and even had paid for a guide. $60,000 . He had never met my friend. He gave that hunt to my buddy then went to Emery county and met with him.
How he chooses to be remembered or decorate his businesses is fine by me.
Have pictures of hunts on the front counter of my business and I have had customers ask if the could go hunting with me, I now have some more friends that I hunt with.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
The past 20 years have seen marked differences in peoples perception of hunting and the display of hunting trophies.

We have had MANY Hollywood types come to the Sierra to hunt and fish and most of them, have either emailed or called to ask for privacy and even secrecy......and absolutely NO photos! We have actually had to sign "non disclosure" contracts with some.

The "movers and shakers" in the entertainment industry are VERY anti-everything and careers have been destroyed for some who have been up front about either guns and hunting.

Even membership in the NRA can be a career ender.....and some of these people are HUGE box office draws. Tom Selleck, Rip Torn, Charleton Heston, Goldie Hawn, Kurt Russel....and many, many others, have taken serious hits for being involved in hunting and shooting sports.

One thing that is a MAJOR detriment to them is the insurance companies (selected) that insure a movie set, and a thing called a "completion bond", won't cover some actors who even OWN a firearm, much less might use one during any period under a contract with a studio....pure BS politics!

John Wayne would sh!t a worm with a bell on it, were he alive today!

Funny part is, some of the most outspoken antis' in Hollywood have made millions of dollars using guns, and killing more people than Hitler! Mel Gibson, Tommy Lee Jones, Dustin Hoffman, Richard Harris, Orlando Bloom, Ridley Scott......hundreds of others have signed a 16 page list of people who have "blacklisted" the NRA.

Professional sports people have many of the same insurance issues, but for the most part, they are more accepted by fans and management, so they have more latitude.

The line is very fine indeed, and the choice to cross it, against the loss of livelihood, takes a special commitment.

I applaud those that continue to be completely upfront with it, but I don't fault those who choose the less confrontational approach.

"I could eat a bowl of Alphabet Soup and
sh!t a better argument than that!"
It's ok to be a gay celeberity, it's ok for a male movie star to marry another man but godforbid if they hunt or hang a mount on the wall. No wonder the world dislikes Americans.
Hang em on the wall if you have em !!!


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