Max Points ????



What is the max points at for Deserts in Utah roughly I applied for another point this year and that will put me at 10 just wondering what the supposed wait is until I would have max points. Thanks,
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 00:19AM (MST)[p]Max points is 14. There is only 1 person with Max. Then there is 3 people with 13, 5 people with 12, 5 people with 11, and ten with 10. So with a little luck and time you should draw sooner then later. Also keep in mind that units with only one tag can go to anyone, even if they have 0 points.
I see...after some editing I now understand UThunting's post. I don't want to be too critical here...but I think the data given so far paints an overly optimistic picture.

The data above is the actual number of resident applicants at each preference point level that APPLIED FOR AN ADDITIONAL POINT in last years draw. There were many more applicants at each point level that did not apply for points only. They applied for actual hunts and when unsuccessful they received an additional point.

Let's assume someone had 8 points going into the 2007 draw and they were unsuccessful. They now have 9 points and if unsuccessful in 2008 they will have 10 points. Whether this person is a resident or a nonresident, after the 2007 draw there were over 800 applicants with an equal or greater number of bonus points.

The bright side is that every year a few people with 0,1,2,3,etc. points do draw a tag in the random draw. The only sure thing is that you will not draw if you don't apply.
There is a lot more than one that has max.....?????
Are you looking at one particular untit Clint ?? Cause I can think of at least a dozen guys I know that have 14.

Of course my dumb A$$ has 14 points for "rubber nose swamp donkies."

Sheep hunting was a bit of a pipe dream 15 years ago. But
I contracted a sevier case of "sheep fever" about 7 years ago when my bro drew the Bear Top.

I would trade all 14 moose points for a couple more sheep points!

Man, I am soooo screwed.

Cant bail now though.
Going INTO the 2008 Utah draw, 15 points is the max point pool.

Toss me a PM or an Email and I can grap my hard copy of the Bucks, Bulls, and OIL book and give you the exact number that applied and the number that have points... there is a difference...... as stated above.

jag.... you are certainly doing the correct thing by sticking with 1 species until drawn.

There are alot of folks with 3-4 points on 2-3 OIL species that will never draw.... if they only would have stuck with that one species till drawn.....Swamp Donkey... how Rude! ha

I thought I had a great idea of getting NR Rocky points before there was even a tag. I didn't realize that I would be up against former residents that carried there points out of state with them. I guess I'm not max points?!?
For NR, max points only means something for hunts with 2 or more tags. But extra draw numbers to possibly get a lower one never hurts.......
well I guess its better than no points but it sure looks like it will be awhile yet thanks guys
Can you say "CREEP"? Eventually, sheep hunting will be a centenerian sport. Has anybody really thought this allocation system through? At some point, they need to cap the maximum number of points. I would think that if person can earn twenty points they ought to have as much chance as anybod.
That is why preference points are unfair for tough draws. Sooner or later all point systems will be changed. Like any pyrmid scam, first in is everything.

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