Mavericks / Heat ?!?!?!?!

I laughed when the announcers were "surprised" by the shoving match. "Its the NBA finals", he said....

Yeah, well you gotta realize who you're dealing with. Over payed, under educated, egos. They'll fight any time any where.

Mavericks in Heat.... sequel to Brokeback Mountain.

Anybody hear the new Willy Nelson song? "I ain't going to Brokeback Mountain. That just ain't right"


"The Road goes on forever & the Party never Ends"
Wade and Lebron simply failed to measure up in the most crucial moments in this series. Their epic melt downs in the 4th quarter will haunt them this off season.

I think it will haunt them until their paycheck gets into the bank.

3 egos on the same team don't work as well as 1...the 3 think they can relax a little and the other 2 will pick it up...which in theory should work, except when all 3 are relaxing. With 1 star, he just knows he has to go full out at all times.

Congrats to the best professional team in Dallas
Well Congrats to the Mavs - I really like Dirk, Terry, and Kidd - well deserved championships for all three. Can't say I care much for Cuban, but he was pretty gracious through it all.

Didn't really care either way though.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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