No big 2 poiners? A game cop showed me a pic of a 2 pt. mulie that died of old age in the Alkali unit here in WA. It was close to 40" wide! Te pics are supposed to be posted ont the WDFW web site sometime this spring. They also have a bunch of his sheds from over the years. It never got any bigger than a 2 pt.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-05 AT 00:41AM (MST)[p]Here's a big 2pt I found last fall, got to see the buck about a 1/2 mile from where the shed was too. I'd guess him at 32-33" wide. I got to see him in full velvet during the archery elk hunt and he was BEAUTIFUL!!
If I can't get him with my bow this year I'll try with the rifle if I get drawn. He hangs with a real nice 4x4 that I'd guess at 175" but I'd take this guy over him any day.