

Long Time Member
Hey Bates7, your Phoenix Suns shot lights frickin out tonight against my Lakers and I'm pissed about it!! x( x( x(

22-40 3 pointers are you kiddin me!!!!!!


LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-10 AT 10:38PM (MST)[p]you called??...WTF you been?? is KOBE???

Told ya He'd be back!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
13er...a Kobe is hard to describe but this is definitely not a Kobe...

and this is what happens when you piss a Kobe off...

Sorry I'd show you a Kobe pumpkin carving but...

Good lookin out Sage, good lookin out!! After I win Ron Artest ring I'll sell it so we can go on a sweet hunt!! Maybe we can hire your boys from mossback ;-)

Nash is one UGLY SOB! I watched him play at Santa Clara one year. I had no idea who that guys was!

Live by the 3, die by the 3! They will not shoot that way all through the year. Lakers have every base covered. I gotta ask though....when they gonna get rid of Luke? Seriously....he's like the middle child, you know?

"Get that corn out of my face"
Dude I hear you on that one!! I seriously no question hands down absofrickinlutely HATE Luke Walton more than any other NBA nobody!! That a-hole has not contributed a damn thing since his daddy got him in the league...hopefully Phil will kick his ass to the curb before the trade deadline and he might as well send Sasha with him!!


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