Massey paid his fine but sues!

Way to WASTE a $100.00. Massey will get nothing but a hefty legal tab to pay for. The kid just keeps making dumber moves as time goes on!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
It's only a $100. And to a good cause! Gardner over reacted! A taser is a deadly weapon! And is excessive force! Massey will win an undisclosed amount! The UHP should have fired the over zealous trooper! Now go back and "LISTEN TO THE TAPE"!
Don't need to, I heard/watched Massey look/act like a fool enough. Time for him to grow up an accept responsibilty for HIS actions!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
It's real simple.If he would have listened and done what he was told, there would have been no problem.It was his fault.
I completely disagree. It was not his fault at all. Didn't you know that it is never the fault of the person who gets in trouble? It is always the fault of the officer. Even when the officer gets shot at and shoots back, it is the officers fault. There is no such thing as personal responsibility :)

It's Bush's fault!!!
>It's only a $100. And to
>a good cause! Gardner over
>reacted! A taser is a
>deadly weapon! And is excessive
>force! Massey will win an
>undisclosed amount! The UHP should
>have fired the over zealous
>trooper! Now go back and

Good cause?? Do you donate to all criminals, or just jerks like Massey. Massey has lost in every aspect of this case....first the officer was cleared by his department, second Massey paid his fine...which means a CONVICTION and an admition of fault/guilt.....and now he will lose his law suit! The only...ONLY way he gets any money out of this, is if the Highway Patrol decides that it is cheaper to pay out then to take the case to trial.

No one has ever said that the trooper couldnt have communicated better, but Massey was completely out of line and the officer took the appropriate action to effect a lawful arrest!

Remind me not to ever go to Vegas with seem to always bet on LOSERS!!
Turn and walk away from a cop, he got what he deserved. What a mama's boy. Take it like a man. I would've tased him just to shut his whiney mouth.
what an idiot, his actions dictated the response from the officer. But I will say that the UHP opened themselves up to the lawsuit by "apologizing" for the incident, when there was no reason for an apology. Atleast the moron admitted guilt by paying the fine, that should help bring down the total $$ amount of the settlement.
should have shot him with his glock instead of taser, and start getting rid of some of the disrespectfull people out there that are a waste to our society and taking our tax money to file a dumb law suit, just sign the ticket all is done
If some of you guys actually are serious about what you type you scare the heck out of me. I thought cops were trained in how to diffuse a situation without using deadly force if possible. I respect cops and wouldn't have done what Massey did but that cop enjoyed it and is out of control.His Quote. "He took a ride on Mr. Taser." That cop was looking to use deadly force. You guys actually believe he should have shot that guy with his Glock in front of his wife?

We just had a cop shoot a 16 year old runaway who was in an abandoned bar. The cop and Game Warden knew the kid was in the bar surprised him and when he grabbed a .22 pistol they killed him. They indicted this cop. This is another thread that has been beaten to death but man you guys have really tough guy attitudes. We need you guys in Iraq we'd be kicking ass all the way to the Iranian border.
well i am sorry to hear about the 16 year old boy, but if someone grabbed a 22 in defense on me i would shoot them too and id shoot to kill , and how else they going to catch a kid with out surprising him? yes to bad he died but his own fault just like in this case. no he shouldnt have shot the man with his glock, but what did the officer say? sign the ticket, no, ok get out of your vehicle your going to jail put your hands behind your back, no and walks away, then tased, he should have signed the ticket and taken it to court that way. he was the one acting as a tough guy until he got tased. i am surprised he has the courage to file a lawsuit after acting like that. trust me i have had my bad run inns with cops some ridiculous ones, he was just doing his job just like anyome else.
Since when is a taser deadly force? I believe it's classified as less lethal force....same as chemical agents and impact devices. Bottom line is Mr. Massey created the situation.....all he had to do was comply. JMO

BOHNTR )))---------->
Out of curiousity, do have a link to the story on the officer you mentioned that was inidicted for shooting the 16 year old? I'd be interested to read more details on WHY they indicted him, because from what you wrote, it sounds like a justified shoot....age of the suspect shouldnt be a determining factor when it comes to the use of deadly force.

Anyways....this is one subject that has been beaten to death. There are those who are going to side with the officer and those who are going to side with Assey, and I dont think any amount of discussion, however logical it may be, will cause those who agree with Assey to agree with those who dont agree with Assey.

I'll just be glad when his law suit gets thrown out for lack of merit, and it will be strike 3 for him in this case and he will finally be OUT! Strike 1: Officer cleared of wrong doing, Strike 2: Massey admitts guilt and pays fine, Strike 3: Coming soon!!
Tuff I don't have the link I'll look for it when I get a chance. It was in Crawford Ne. little isolated town of 700 people. It's been covered in the Omaha World Herald so it is possible to be on their link. I guess the major criticism is that they had him in the building and caught him sleeping he reached for the gun. I understand while an officer would feel compeled to shoot with the kid having a gun. My point is the same as with Massey avoid the conflict if possible in both cases it may have been possible IMO. Yes I do believe officers have to use deadly force and I'm certainly not against it. We can all probably agree it is a fine line.
Tuff sorry with my incredible computer savvy I couldn't get the links to copy I'll figure it out later. If you search Crawford Nebraska Teenager shot under Google it gives you 13,900 stories on this. The AP picked it up so its in papers everywhere. They just indicted the Chief January 8th. I'm not sure how to feel on this shooting read some of the facts. Then I'm curious what you think.

I read a bunch of the links, but it seemed to me that there is something missing, if they indicted the chief. From what I got from the article, these are the facts of the case:

1. Suspect was 16 year old kid, suspected in numerous burglaries and thefts in the area.
2. The police chief and a game warden respond to an abandoned bar on a report of a break-in. Cops go into the abandoned bar and locate the suspect still inside.
3. Suspect is armed and points his weapon at the officers. The suspect is ordered to drop his weapon, when he refuses to do so, he is shot twice and killed.
4. The police chief has since been indicted for 2nd degree 'ASSAULT' (which makes no sense to me, if they were to charge him with anything, why not murder or manslaughter). The assisting officer(the warden), who also shot the suspect, was not idicted and cleared of wrong doing.

It will be interesting to see what happens with this case IF it ever goes to trial. Either someone has it out for chief or there is more to the story than what is being told. If you go off just the facts listed above, the shooting was justified and both officers should have been cleared of any wrong doing. I'll have to follow this one and see how it turns out.
Thanks for your imput I think I agree with you without knowing all the facts. Tough position for a cop to be put into. I think the real reason he was indicted was a couple of excessive use of force that was kind of swept under the rug or allowed to fade away. He wasn't real popular in the community. I expect him to be cleared of criminal charges. The town will lose the civil action I believe because the lawyer filing suit for the mother virtually never loses. I've seen him in action and he will eat whoever the community hires to defend the case alive. Sorry if Tuff and I accidently hijacked your thread. Thanks again for your thoughts Tuff I am interested in this case I spend a lot of time in that area hunting and know many of the people.
Massy will win in my opinion because the legal system seems to let criminals off and put handcuffs on the police trying to do their jobs.

I do think the officer over reacted in this issue and got lucky when massy fell into traffic and wasn?t hit by a car.

I think Massy is an idiot who should have just paid the stupid ticket.

Archery is a year round commitment!!
Jared Massey.......

.......any questions???

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