Masks still required

I have never -- not once, nada, nil, zilch, zero -- yet worn a mask since all this BS started more than a year ago.

Reason: the farthest I have been out of my house was about four steps on the front patio to the mailbox. My Durango has been sitting in the driveway just as long with a dead battery. And as we speak, I'm racking up monthly penalties because my plates expired 2 months ago and to renew them, I need to get an emissions test.
How wore out is the Durango?
It's a 2007 that I bought NEW with 2 miles on it in 2009. It has less than 50,000 miles on it now. Prior to the time it got parked more than a year ago now, the farthest it went for a long time was a mile from the house so I could buy cigarettes. Only occasionally did it venture much farther but never over 8-10 miles. The last time it was out of town was way back in Dec. 2012 for my desert sheep hunt in the Kofas. That's about 150 miles from my place.

The problem for the emissions check is not that it won't pass, but that I can't physically do anything to get it running so my wife can take it for the test.
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