Martin Martin is the MAN!!!



He may be the "old man" but this may be his year! Glad Montoya didn't wreck him but his post race interview sure sounded like he regretted not punting Mark! I understand his frustration but the comment almost seemed a little classless when he said next time he would bump him out of the way.....Something Mark (the definition of class) would never do to another driver.

Member: RMEF, SCI, NRA, and TU
I second Mark Martin to win the cup. I'm glad Smoke was out of the picture or he might have punted Mark to get the win. Montoya is a chump ,but he is getting better. Off to Dover my second favorite track.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-09 AT 08:33AM (MST)[p]Yea I would love too see Martin win the championship!

Juan knew better then to punt Martin! Then he would be in the same boat as Kyle Busch.
Yeah, Montoya would have lost a lot of friends if he punted Martin. At the same time, I think Mark *would* punt ANYBODY out of the way for the championship this year, but only if he had too.

BTW, was that the crappiest NASCAR coverage ever?!? They probably doubled the commercials over ESPN. There was more commercial than racing. And at the end of the race they interviewed Mark and Juan and then quickly bailed for some stupid TV show.

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