MARINE CHUCKS A PUPPY MAKES........................



NATIONAL HEAD LINES IN 12 HOURS....I know that guys will hang for it.

One of the sickest things I seen in a long time.
Pentagon started a investigation to see if video is real!
to bad it an black eye for our troops risking life and death over their, I still support our troops.
that guy had to know this was wrong and will be screwed for along time...stupid just stupid!
Sorry but its fake............and hilarious in a sick way. I laughed my $%# off!

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Hope thats the case 202,
proly shouldn't let the troops run around with video cameras anyway, since as young men they will most likely get into some mischief/horseplay.
That is for sure.
A man is around death and destruction 24-7-365 I would imagine he becomes numb to killing.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I don't think that's a fake. At least that's not what they're reporting on the most recent news. I hope it's a fake.
Do you know it's fake 202 or are you just assuming? It looks real. Dogs over there are like rats over here but there is still no excuse. Dumba55e5 to video it.
It probally isnt fake at all. I wont fault the marine though, thats probally the attitude of the whole unit if behavior like that is tolerated. Its called a piss poor chain of command. Its pretty easy to judge something like this from the comfort of your own home. Sad to see this kind of thing on the internet though. Just another ugly fact of war, good guys can get pretty twisted and demented over there.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-08 AT 10:34PM (MST)[p]That's somewhere beyond disgusting. I understand that being over there desensitizes them to violence, but I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't be deeply disturbed to see that happen. You know, puppies are kinda like kids, helpless and harmless. That act, if real, is just plain sick and evil. If it's a fake, the video is just plain sick and evil.
Try to put things in perspective, ITS A DOG! Sure its helpless and harmless but its still a dog. If I was that marines NCO he would probally get at very least a counseling statement and an article 15. He probally needs some help. You cant hand a rifle to a kid and expect him to kill PEOPLE and turn around and demand his head on a plater for killing a dang dog, no matter how cute and cuddly it was. War is a discusting, dirty, mindwarping experience that you cant even begin to comprehend by just watching the evening news.
I think it is the simple fact that a puppy stands for something. In America, we all are raised to see puppies as cute, adorable little creatures that love to play. It's pretty jacked up that this guys mentality has been so altered to not see the cuteness of this puppy. You'd think that they'd maybe adopt the dog for the time being as kind of a companion for as long as they could. Why kill the thing? It's a little dimented.

CAelknuts I agree with you 100%.

The vast majority of our guys over there are top notch, creeps like this give them all a bad name. there are lots of stories of battle front animal compassion in situations much worse than what we have here. this cull would have done the same thing if he was home, don't try to excuse it.
I completely understand that war is a horrible thing and can warp a person's sense of decency. That doesn't make what he did acceptable. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Trying to say "it's only a dog" is the kind of excuse that liberals come up with all the time to justify someone doing something wrong.

There is no justification for what he did. Amazing that 'dude and I see this one the same way!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-08 AT 05:59AM (MST)[p]Geez people, get a grip!

I'm kinda thinkin' the next guy to slam this kid needs to be a combat veteran missing a body part....or shut the #### up!

Let's look at what we got here.

22 year old kid.
Maybe has a high school diploma, maybe not, certainly no college.
2nd rotation into Iraq.
2 out of every 10 guys he hit the zone with have been airlifted out, wounded or dead.
He dosen't have the general support of his country and his high school classmates think he's an idiot for joining the Corp.
His government is not behind him.
The next administration will probably evacuate Iraq and all our dead and wounded will have been wasted for nothing. He could be next.
He needs equipment he cannot get.
Mostly, the whole world hates his country.
The locals only like him when he is giving them something.
The military machine is so reduced, that he and his entire battle group will probably have to make at least 3 tours in Iraq.
His only friends are his platoon brothers and everyone one of them is just as "spun up" as he is.
He cannot relax, even for a minute, because there is nowhere he is really safe in a 5,000 mile circle.
He misses his mother.
Mostly he is scared. Ever been scared?...not just afraid of the dark scared, but the pissin' your pants kind of scared.....all day, every day, all night, every night.

He is the best his country has, 99% of the time, but today, he needed a giggle and this is where he found it. If you haven't "been there, done that, bled on the T shirt" got no clue.

Was it wrong in Salt Lake City, Reno, Sacramento or Dallas? You bet it was. But was it wrong for all the same reasons in Iraq? I don't think so.

I'm inclined to cut the kid some slack on this. If he lives thru the next 3 years, he can battle his own ghosts, he don't need our cozy opinion right now.

We train these kids to do evil s###...........we can't hang them out for doing it.

And before you give me that "no excuse" reply, turn on the news and take a look at what full grown adults, living in America, did today to make headlines.
WOW nickman well said.

These pansy limp wristed types that are bashing these guys have no clue. They sit all snug and safe in their ivory towers sipping Starbucks double lates and spit on the very men that make it so they can. Way more disgusting then body slaming some dog. Good grief.

I will bet none of you guys on this bord would think twice about puting a bullet through a wolf or coyote now would you.

Frigin hypacrites.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)

While I do not condone or approve of what this Marine appears to have done, I must say that in some crazy way I understand.

I have a baby brother who has served three tours in Iraq and one in Afganistan, I will tell you he is not the same 21 year old kid that left us those few years ago.

I have had the chance to sit and talk with this young man, who is 6'5" 240 lbs while he cried his eyes out because of the the things he has seen, heard, and done. All in the name of security and deliverance.

We may not agree, but we also do not understand. I haven't been there, lived it, or tried to live through it. So I will allow judgement to be passed by One who has that responsiblity.

God bless America and all those who are brave enough to serve this country. So we can sit here in our comfy chairs and pass judgement and voice opinions.


What I was meaning to say is that I do agree with you, well said.

Someone said "IT'S A DOG"

As much as I like dogs I have to agree. Makes me wonder if people would get as upset if it was a rat, jackrabbit, squirrel, goat or some other animal we don't turn into furry human beings. I don't like seeing it and it shouldn't be on the internet but I wasn't there and we don't know the context of it.
I understand war is hell ....however help me understand something... you think its OK for a GI to chuck a pup like that?
what next? a grenade in a tent of CO's opps sorry that's been done already or maybe a rape and murder of a pregnant fellow marine..that also has been done..what else, stomping a fag to death because gay and your a ranger, sniping camels, mules just because?
its not ok.. and we have to do a better job as American over there we have to support them standby them and let them know life is worth something!
this is an American not some crazed killer without a conscience!
chit happens don't film it then shrug your shoulders!
I think that guy needed some debrifing yesterday....
everyone I know and believe me I know some sick f'n guys who are sickend by that act!
just don't get how some think war justify act of in humanity on a noncombatant and animals!


"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Give me a break, anyone who thinks this is acceptable is out to lunch. this was recreational animal abuse plain and simple, I'm sure anyone worth a pinch of crap could have found a better way to pass the time than killing a puppy.

It's said that a true warrior gains respect for life from the death he's surrounded by. this creep is a thug in a uniform, not the image of an American soldier I respect.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-08 AT 11:03AM (MST)[p]I NEVER said it was OK. Or justified.

I simply asked you to consider who did it, the circumstances of how it happens and the mindset of the individual at the time and place.

You want to understand it....go there, you won't be nearly so self righteous when you (if you) get home.

The kid is surely going to be crucified and I think that is too bad, because it will be guys like you doing the judging. This is a long way from fragging your CO or raping and murder. You want to compare those things, thats' up to you.

You might look at how many Marines didn't throw a dog off a cliff yesterday, as opposed to how many retards here at home shot up a Wendys', killed someone while driving drunk....any number of sensless acts committed, not under the duress of war.

Why should that Marine be held to any higher standards over there than we expect from our citizens here? You might want to think that he is a "diplomat" and a mirror of our society, but that really isn't the job you expect him to do, now is it?

And, if your sick friends think this incident is bad, I suspect the worst thing they can think of, up till now, is a fart in church.

Your "hollier than thou" panties are one size too small, there Rackmaster.
How many yotes/dogs/rabits/mice/rats have you killed in your day Dude, or are they on the same level as humanbeings to you too?

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
"Recreational animal abuse"......Dude, no fair plagerising PETA, Sierra Club, Friends With Fur, ....etal. According to them any form of hunting is recreational animal abuse.

Not germaine to the issue.

Stick to being a self righteous hypocrit....trash the Marine but leave hunting out of it.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-08 AT 01:28PM (MST)[p]I guess I'm a hypocrite too. I have killed lots of prairie dogs, rabbits, mice, rats, birds, squirrels and chipmunks and never thought twice about it. I did it mainly just for "fun" and for hunting practice, and I was a lot younger and now hold a deeper respect for life and think differently about it. But to me there is something really wrong about just throwing a dog off a cliff like that. It is disturbing and wrong in my hypocritical opinion, no matter how many battles or what stress you might be under.

So why do we think it is OK to kill prairie dogs, rats, mice, squirrels, etc just for fun and then cringe when a dog is thrown off a cliff so nonchalantly by a supposed soldier who then just shrugs it off and keeps on marching? Maybe its because we see these animals as prey or the enemy (varmints and vermin) and we see domesticated animals,pets, and game animals differently.

I guess we put a social priority ranking on animals. In my mind, it is sick and wrong to wantonly kill cats, dogs, horses, cattle, and all game species just for fun. I don't like to kill period. However I can accept it if it is for a wise and beneficial purpose. Now this is where I become hypocritical I guess. Where does it become wise and beneficial to wantonly shoot prairie dogs, coyotes, etc? I guess there is a reason for it - controlling vermin and varmint species, but should I enjoy it as much as I do? Should I think twice about it next time before I do it? Maybe so.

But I don't think I probably will and here is my reasoning why, flawed and hypocritical though it may be. Coyotes, prairie dogs etc. can pose a serious threat to us and we can more readily justify killing them to serve a greater purpose. And in all reality, we try to do it as humanely as possible. I know of no other way to more humanely end a prairie dog's existence than with a 55 grain hollow point .22-250 round traveling 3700 feet per second. Yes there is carnage and in a very primal and maybe sadistc way it is funny to see it, but I guarantee you if I hit center mass, the prairie dog won't know a thing about it. It will be dead before its shattered spleen hits the dirt and sagebrush around the hole it fatefully popped it's head out of. Throwing a dog off a cliff is entirely different and I am sorry, but I can't find any moral or psychological justification for it.

In this case it wasn't just a dog either, it was a puppy and there is a certain social stigma about killing puppies. You just don't do it. In my opinion it is along the same lines, though not in seriousness I'll agree, as child molestation. You are taking something that is helpless and harmless and subjecting it to your cruel will for your own pleasure. There is a complete and total disregard for life and it demonstrates a general disattachment from any human emotion that would prevent you from doing such a thing. Yes soldiers are taught to get around this, but not to ultimately ignore it. They are accountable for their behavior and their judgement. To me this demonstrates poor poor judgement and as Ismith has pointed out, a lack of control in the chain of command. Something inside this kid is broken and it needs to be fixed before he can live a productive life in society. The danger of risky behavior as this is never what it is at the moment, but what it leads to in the future. So you say it is just a dog, but the big question that needs to be answered is what is next?

Maybe I have seen one too many puppy calendars and not enough prairie dog calendars to make me feel the difference between the two, but to me, this is almost as low as you can get. I hope it is a fake.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
well glad we can debate this issuse and not one bad word...amazing!
thanks for all point of views and happy to see the support for our troops! Somethings are alot worst than this video in war just guess the camera here is the real enamy right!

I agree Rackmaster. Im sure if the media and technology(cell phone cameras, internet ect) were as widespread in any of our previous wars we would have seen alot of macabre things that were done. Perspective plays a big part in the reaction to this video however. Im sure if a Korea saw this video they would just think it was a was of good food. I just dont think that video is as bad as some of you guys make it out to be. While I agree its sick and wrong, it comes nowhere even remotely close to the Nick Berg video. If you wanna see a really morbid clip check that one out. Maybe watch it over and over for a couple hours and see how you sleep tonight. Then tell me about sick and twisted.

Ismith, if I'm not mistaken, Nick Berg was a fellow who terrorists decapitated,correct? Who on earth ever said anything about that being acceptable by any wild stretch of decency? Those thugs that cut his head off while he was alive are nothing more than low life scum, and people who you could actually justify throwing off a cliff. Sort of eye for an eye, in my opinion.

I'd have no problem at all if our troops caught the POS's that committed that act and threw them off a cliff. They live evil and violent lives, and deserve to experience what they've wrought on so many others. I just can't figure out how you think that is analagous to throwing a puppy off a cliff. I kill animals, but I try to do it humanely; not terrifyingly so where it whimpers all the way until it hits the ground. There's no reason to terrorize that puppy.

Counsel the guy, give him time in the brig, bust him down a rank, whatever the military decides to do, as long as it's not too harsh, is fine by me. You can't however, tolerate this kind of conduct when you find out about it.

And I fully realize that very much stuff a lot worse than this goes on.
I have NO problem killing dogs have shot a lot of them over the years catch killing sheep, chickens, lambs, calves and such wouldn't think twice about killing the next one that I catch killing. I know it sounds rough but if it was a WOLF PUP most of you would be saying send him a medal. Since I haven't walk a mile in his shoes I will withhold judgement.
I have many vets in my family fron WWII up to Desert Storm and not once have any of them ever said one word about feeling like chucking a puppy for grins during their entire service.

I hope they hang the cull.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-08 AT 10:29PM (MST)[p]Yeah, let's hang the "coward" "cull". My dying a#s. Dude, I like you because you say what you believe even though you pretty much know you're going to get thrashed on this site most of the time. As far as your opinion, no. It's a puppy, yes. I could go so many directions with this, it's almost funny. I don't like cats. I killed many when I was a kid because they were killing our rabbits. My wife doesn't like spiders. I have no problem with 'em. She steps on a spider, it's ok. I kill a stray, I'm the devil. Yeah, cat's are cute and cudly, spider are ugly and creepy. That may be the opinion of the populous, however, all creatures have their place, right? Rabbits aren't a staple in our diet today as they were when my Dad was raising us and had fifty or sixty all the time in the backyard being primed to eat, but I don't feel much different now than then. I didn't even see much of that, but my older brothers and sisters did. I remember my sister telling me she always wondered why Dad would tell Mom to keep the kids in the house while he "fed" the rabbits. My second to oldest sister told me she saw him killing two of them for dinner that very night. Honestly, fresh rabbit is a treat in my house today. Good food. I know feeding your family has little to do with what that Marine did, but he is a Marine, and I COMMEND him for that. Two days before Christmas this very year, I was out for a little walk north of town. I heard some noise not far from where I got out of my truck and went to see what it was. It was a trash bag. Inside were 5 small, what I assume were lab, puppies. There were foot tracks to the bag, but no other sign because it was a very well used road. Only two were still alive, ribs beyond showing on their tight hide. I shot both of them in the head with a .22 pistol. What would you have done, left them to continue starving or try to save them? I did neither. I killed them. Honestly, I don't think you could've saved them if you tried. Why aren't people damned when they put a horse down for a broken leg. It's an injury, the horse can live, but dam#it, you'll have to feed it, etc. to keep it alive, so if it's not useful, kill it....My point, there are a lot bigger problems in this world than a Marine chuckin' a pup. How bout the pup's owner that just walked into a bus station and pulled the string, killin' innocent men, women, and children, and probably their puppies too..
I wasnt saying we should throw nick bergs killers off of a cliff. We killed the knife man and probally a few of his buds. I just think its pretty much impossible to put yourself in the marines shoes unless youve your there or already have been there. I mentioned the nick berg video only because if you watched it enough times it might just maybe give you a small taste of a soldiers reality. Its the real reality where nothing is nice and cuddly anymore and everything is a little bit twisted. Everyone I know that has served over there has come home at least a little bit different, several pretty messed up. So was the marine wrong? Yeah I believe he was. I like to think his team leader or maybe squad leader handled it. Perhaps they told him to do it. Truthfully they could throw all the dang puppies in Iraq off a cliff and I could care less. There are far more evil things happening in this hunky dorry world of ours right now than Iraqi style coyote hunting.
WHAT THE HELL!!! Those are marines!! The've probably been pounding dirt up and down that god foresaken crap hole of a mountain for a couple of days looking for the sh&% heads who have been dropping mortar rounds on their ass.
There is no words and I mean no words that can be written on whats going in that marines head! Does anyone know what happened that day? Or maybe what had just had happend or is about to happen? Sh$# it's intense and nerve racking, you get real numb to things that a regular person just cant't handle!!
Let me tell you, you need fighters who are like that, yeah what he did was wrong, and I'm sure he'll get his ass busted, but when the bad guys start rolling in on them and the SH#$'s going south, that same marine would give his last to stop them!!
So I rely do wish more people would give such attention to those who fight the battle and do it day after day. They see a hell of alot more things that will twist your mind than a pup being killed. BEEN THERE!!!!
Well said 280. What makes me sick is the number of fuit cake liberals and Peta blow hards on CNN saying that these marines should be court marshalled, dishonorably discharged and serve substantial PRISON time! Are you freaking kidding me? Prison time??????????
I do not agree with what they did at all but lets get real. We want that guy on the wall, we need that guy on the wall!
I am not a vet but I can only imagine the mental toughness it takes to make thru each day over there and you probably make a mistake every now and then. He made a mistake but sending him to prison?????????????????????

If this bum's mind is that weak I can't wait to see what good deeds he does when he returns home for you to excuse. when he chucks a kid off a bridge for grins you'll say " well he was under a lot of stress in Iraq you know "

We're not talking the Battan death march here these guys were just goofing off, give me a break.
Typical bunny hugger logic on your part Dude. Comparing a worthless dog to a child. Give me a break.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
I'm not bothered so much that he killed that pup, but am bothered by how he did it and why he did it. .338RUM, I have no problem with what you're talking about. A big difference is that the animals you're describing were almost certainly killed in a humane manner. I don't think it's so much comparing a worthless dog to a child, as it is expecting our soldiers to be held to a bit higher standard than the low lifes they're fighting over there. I have no problem killing dogs, cats, rabbits or anything else. Just do it humanely, and not in a manner to terrorize. Unless you're doing it to a terrorist.

I haven't served, but have quite a few friends and clients who have, ranging from the Korean War all the way through the current conflict. I was discussing this with one of them yesterday. He's a retired colonel, flew fighter jets in Korea and Vietnam, and he's bothered by what this video showed. He's seen plenty of bad stuff, and tells me that most of us wouldn't believe some of the stuff that goes on in war, but felt that this is an example of terrible judgment, including being dumb enough to have a camera to document their antics. He said they'll certainly get in some amount of trouble over this, but that it'll likely be moderate and I'm ok with that. Nobody is disputing how tough these guys have it, I fully realize that from talking with a couple clients who got home from there about a year ago, he is Army and another who is a Marine. They point out how totally screwed up that region is, along with so many who live there. I've spent a couple months in Saudi Arabia on work, and know that the Arab culture is way different than ours, and has almost no regard for life, unless it's their own. I just don't agree that we should think it's OK to lower our own standards down to theirs and dismiss terrorizing the subjects that we kill, unless they're terrorists, then I have no issue with it at all.

These guys should, and probably already have been, dealt with by their commanders, not our media and holier than thou leftists. They need to be punished appropriately, then given some support and move on. They also need some couseling on common sense.
Funny how the dimwit is excused from throwing a dog over a cliff because, "things are tough in his neighborhood."

Yeah, well, you signed on to represent American values, you signed on to be tough, you signed on to be responsible. I dont want an a-hole like that even over there, "on the wall".

You failed you loser.

Oh, and its funny how some of the same people that are excusing this guys actions because of the environment he lives in...threw Michael Vick over the nearest cliff when he USED THE SAME EXCUSE.

Talk about hypocracy.
Vick broke the law. Marine did not.

For the righteous folks that kill humanely. Get over yourself. killing is killing.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 10:50AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 10:49?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 10:47?AM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 10:46?AM (MST)


Until you've walked a mile in vicks shoes...who are you to judge?

You dont understand the circumstances of the environment he grew up in.

Fighting dogs was part of his culture.

See how dumb that sounds?

About as stupid as the excuses you and a few others are using to excuse piss poor behavior and judgement by a marine.

A marine that is being payed by the tax dollars of the United States to represent their interests.

Its a job that he signed up to do and he failed. Typically, when you're at work, you have to act in a professional manner to keep your employment.

Try throwing a dog off a cliff (make sure you video the incident and identify yourself) on your employers time and see how long you last with that employer.

Oh, and killing is not killing. If you think it is, you need as much help as the "marine". If killing is killing...why did you make this statement:"Comparing a worthless dog to a child."

Who cares if its a dog, cat, child...I mean...killing is killing...right?
I, unlike you will give the marine the benefit of the doubt. Innocent until proven guilty.

Don't sit on your ivory tower and try and tell me your way of killing is better than his. Good grief. I guess your compassion is so great that you miricle the animals you kill to death. Nut!

If you were that concerned with killing you would not do it. So get over yourself.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
not to mention this was one isolated incident. Vick was involved in dozens of dog fights. I just think it has been blown way out of proportion.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 11:25AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 11:24?AM (MST)

What benefit of the doubt? Sure looks to me theres little doubt what the camera recorded.

Come up with another lame excuse.

For the record, killing does bother me. Its the least fun part of hunting for me.

I do it as quickly and as humanely as possible, most hunters with more than a few firing brain cells in their head do the same. Thats why I dont shoot big-game in the guts, ass, or run them off cliffs.

Sorry to see you're on your last brain cell.


How do you know it was "one isolated incident"?
I simply cannot believe how many of you guys are talkin' out your butts about "knowing how bad it is".....because some client, friend or OFFICER told you some stories.

Forget it! YOU DON"T KNOW S**T, till you been there. Period.

If there are any Veterans on this forum they are SO laughing at Dude, Buzz and Calelknuts. All you other smartasses who some how or another missed out on going to some turdhole to fight, so loudmouths like you can sit back and pick apart whatever other men did.

I've been listening to the same crap for 40 years and I am tired of it.

Just like you, who can't try to understand what that Marine have a right not to; I don't see any excuse for any of you draftdodging loudmouths not to have served....inexcuseable opinion, I have a right to it.

No excuse for that Marine....what's your excuse?

You guys are out of your depth on this one.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 01:52PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 01:43?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 01:38?PM (MST)

Hey nickman,


For the record, do you believe the "marine" in question was drafted?

If not then I guess maybe the dude signed up. If thats the case, do your job and do it professionally. Getting sent to Iraq, for your information, is part of the job description. If the guy cant handle the job, he shouldnt have agreed to do it.

I think you need to quit snorting agent orange...

Also, you must also agree then that since nobody here has walked in Michael Vicks shoes, that we also dont know crap about his dog-fighting issue?

I know one thing, Michael Vick and the "marine" have both used the lame excuse of their environments to justify their WRONG actions.

You sound like a bleeding heart liberal...nobody is responsible or accountable for their actions.

What a joke.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 02:05PM (MST)[p]Isn't it amazing how, whenever there's a controversial subject that we debate multiple viewpoints of, some guys just can't help getting down in the gutter and criticizing other posters? Instead of arguing/debating the topic on it's merits or their views, they have to attack those whom they don't agree with.

Nickman, I am not of an age that subjected me to being drafted. I didn't volunteer, won't bother to tell you what else I was doing instead, not germain to the conversation. I certainly have the utmost respect for those who do serve, but still don't agre with you on this item. Those who I know that have served and whom I talked to, breifly, about this, weren't pleased about it either; but thought the guy was being an idiot as much for having video'ing it as what he did. They didn't like it either, but then they're all retired officers, people this guy, and presumably you, would answer to with "sir" at the end. They believe in a higher standard of conduct than was demonstrated here(Perhaps that was a part of what got them so far in their military careers.) Failing that, discretion would have been advised.

We can agree to disagree, and I'll respect you for your views. If you served, Thank You. We who didn't serve all owe guys like you our gratitude. I just have trouble undertanding why you can't discuss a topic without resorting to personal attacks on people whom you don't agree with. You sound like a liberal democrat when you do that.
Hey, BUZZ & ELK....They say "ignorance is bliss" guys must be a really happy pair. Cowards....plain and simple.
Hey Nick"man",

So, throwing a dog off a cliff isnt ignorant in your opinion?

It isnt cowardly to throw a dog off a cliff?

Plain and dont have a clue.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 06:41PM (MST)[p]I served:

i never saw a dog to throw off a bridge or a cliff, not that i would have been in the frame of mind to do so but i could see circumstances. it just never came up for me. but hypothetically speaking,if i'm in a hostile AO, and i know this dog is a pet to a terrorist family, and it happens to walk past me on my shift, i'm gonna give the little f'er flying lessons too!

Ok boys, camera fades to black, then re opens in a new scene, bullets flying, morters blowing...typical war crap going on all around. Same soldier shoulders his weapon and put 40 rounds from his SAW in the raghead (Owner of said dog) in the window who was about to drop the hammer on his sqaud leader. Same soldier still killing stuff....whats the difference? human dogs, we're all the same?

i'm not gonna guess the frame of mind this soldier was in, or the surrounding circumstances, the benifit of the doubt is there. it WAS a dog, hopefully a pet of some liberal democrat, but probably just a terrorist family dog.
Now it's justified because it's a terrorist famlily pet? hate to tell you this but most terrorist aren't the type to cuddle with puppys, they probably throw them off cliffs.

This is some of the most pathetic excuse making I've ever heard. " Gee it's been a tough day. I think I'll chuck a pup and have my buddy video it " give me a break you clowns, what reason in hell would make you do that? if he's such a puss that chucking pups makes him feel like a man that's one guy we don't need and shouldn't have drafted, he was drafted now right? this is one stupid conversation.
That is a pretty big stretch comparing a millionare football player to a young lower enlisted serviceman. Your living in La La land and need a reality check.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 07:43PM (MST)[p]

No they blend in very well with the general population,they have wives, and kids and i'm sure dogs .You too blend in well with the general population and we offer no excuses for your actions and i wasn't offering any for the soldiers actions, i'm saying i'd chuck a f'n dog over the rail....i'd shoot a cat with my bow, i'd run over a rabbit..if the circumstances were right..but you, dude,are the perfect.....i'm thinking of the word......saint and wouldn't ever think about doing something like that....thats cool.

I'm good with letting this go, since you've decided its dumb!

i'll leave with something you may have forgotten about. Video footage of some one killing something else....what the hell were they thinking?how do you feel about the men that did this? and how do you feel about their dogs?

So explain to me dude, do you think its justified that his family is getting death threats now? Sure be nice if some murderers and rappists would get this kinda attention. Holy hell, the priorities in this country are screwed pretty bad when theres this big of an outcry over a dang dog. You would think he chucked a baby. Some of these posts are fit for the PETA website. Dude, you have no idea what it takes to be a soldier or marine so feel free to quit talking out of your butt. Thanks,
You guys are fun even if you are ignorant. please tell me in what capacity chucking a pup promotes the success of a military operation in Iraq? then after you can't do that tell me what part of chucking a pup improves the well being of a soldier or what recreational value should it have? your lame excuses amuse me carry on.

tageater what part of 9/11 has anything to do with a cull chucking a pup? and what does Iraq have to do with 9/11 anyway? is this in some way training for this bum to kill pups so he can learn to kill terrorist? that's what they do with pit bulls are you saying he's as dumb as a pit bull and needs killing practice?

No I don't think his family should be getting death threats, they have enough grief ahead taking care of this tard until he gets past his gang banger stage, if he ever does.
what if that marine saw a 4 yrs old girl walking his way holding a grenade(she may have just found it and thinks it a toy or she may want to kill those guys). tough situation! life and death is never easy to give or take!(ask your mom)
There are a lot of marines who want to kill this guy because of this! .........
there was special in the news not long ago about solders who have puppys and young dogs in there compound as pets all were strays and raised( even though its agianst the rules)..turns out that the solders were in better mentally, sharper and less home sick also recovered from trama from patrols better than any units in both wars...and turns out that 1 young marine was killed by an IED and had one of these dogs and his mother wanted it and fought very hard to have it sent back to her in was all she had to help her deal with his death...a touching story really! then to see a marine do this the troops .....I don't care about what led to this that marine will pay dearly and I am ok with that...he knew what he did...and thought it was funny or cool! hope he gets help! war is hell and stupid get GI's killed...(code of honer!)
so now that video is mud in the face and now propaganda for those who want or troops sent home or even to anger the enamies!

am done lets move on... 202 you confuse me!!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-06-08 AT 08:42PM (MST)[p]What i was trying to get across to you was in the BIG picture of what this worlds got going on, one soldier that throws one dog off of one bridge,cliff what isn't what your making it out to be.ITS NOT A NATIONAL NEWS EMERGENCY, unless the liberal, blinders-on, media makes it into one. let it go, deal with the incident and the soldier and be done with it.

dude, i cant see that you are that big of dog lover.(maybe you are) that this has you so upset?I'm gonna go out on a limb and say its more of a reason for you to ##### about troops being in iraq?or more gernerally one more thing you can point your crooked little fingers at an administration for. if this is the case anything would have set you off on a rant as you've proven in your past.

I too am done with this...moving on.
I'll agree that NOBODY has any business giving this guy's family any grief at all. That is even worse than the video. THEY didn't do anything. Just goes to show that there are idiots everywhere we go. And we'd probably all agree that these low lifes who are sending death threats are every bit as much terrorists as the guys our soldiers are fighting in Iraq.

I'm out now, too.
tageater I am a dog lover , big time. I've spent many days horseback with my border collies moving cattle and many with my German Shorthairs hunting chuckar on the breaks of the Snake River. having another person along is a bonus but if not my dogs are good company, anyone who doesn't understand is niether a cowboy or a bird hunter but a city slicker who doesn't connect with animals. they ride up front in my new crew cab except when they're really dirty I don't give a damn they're my friends and they go everywhere with me. people tease me all the time about my dogs and that's fine I'm secure enough in my manhood I don't have to act like a big tough dog kicker. anyone who doesn't like dogs has something wrong with them, and anyone who could chuck a puppy to it's death is someone who can turn to crap and have the pigs eat them for all I care.

If you're trying to point your chubby little fingers at Iraq and commend this administration for avenging 9/11 you're way off track.

I'm done with this as well, you can't cure stupid , and anyone who defends that poor excuse for a marine is just as stupid as he is. Americans are better than that, we're not puppy chuckers or baby killers, but if that's the image you desire knock yourself out.

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