March Madness!! - Fantasy League


LAST EDITED ON Mar-16-08 AT 06:00PM (MST)[p]All right fellas - it's MARCH MADNESS time! So after the success of our first innagural Monster Muleys Fantasy Football league - I have decided to set up the innagural MONSTER MULEYS MARCH MADNESS TOURNEY PICK'EM GAME! This is quite a bit easier than the fantasy football - and a lot less time consuming - all you have to do is enter - fill out a bracket and then watch for the results. The ultimate winner wil receive a free all expense paid trip to ... well there are no prizes but PRIDE! So join up and fill out a bracket - it's free and easy and there are no limits to the number of people who can play. You don't need to e-mail me to enter - just follow link below and enter the following league ID and Password:


Group ID#: 78696
Password: muleyball

Oh yeah - don't forget the trash talk! It was a little weak in the fantasy league!

Post here to let everyone else know your in!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
In so far:

RJ?? (No MM ID)
NVridgefire?? (No MM ID either)

Still plenty of room! - No limit!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I am in. Hope not to hurt all your feelings but I plan on winning this thing.

I'm in.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
I am in go UCLA
There's still plenty of room! You can join in at any time in the tourney but the first round of games starts tomorrow!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm in!
Thanks for putting it together.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
I go to the link and it says Assign a Bracket and they want a bracket name up to 30 characters. What do I put in there?

I don't know much about basketball and even less about signing up.:)

Once I'm in though....look out!

I am in too. Eel all you have to do at that point is make up a name for your bracket. Maybe use your MM name thats what I used.
I'm taking tommrow off. 16 games!!! The first 2 days are ny favorite sports days of the year!

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
When I win this thing the first order of business will to take back my Aggie blue from the imposter school from the south, was red already taken??
Thought Duke was going to get beat there for a minute. I don't have them getting out of the next round but a 15 beating a 2 would have been cool.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!
>I am in. Hope not to
>hurt all your feelings but
>I plan on winning this

I told you all that I was going to win this thing. I think that this means that I have bragging rights for the entire year.

Hope you boys can handle that.


How is #1?

It was looking pretty bad for me there for awhile. I was hanging around 17th and 19th. I got worried, but my Lucky Picks helped me pull it out. Now you boys are going to have to listen to me bragg all year long about how I kicked everyones butt and I even remember telling you all at the first that I was going to win this whole thing.

How is #1


What, no one wants to give me my bragging rights.

This is a cold cold world.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-08-08 AT 03:18PM (MST)[p]Sorry it took me so long to post - busy day today! But Congrats to KNOCKMDEAD - the winner of Roy's MMMM Bracket Challenge! He correctly picked Kansas to win the Championship and thoughe he was a free throw away from being way down the list - he pulled it out with a miracle three from Mario Chalmers and then absolute Kansas domination in OT. ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK. Whatever that means!

Anyways - I hereby crown KNOCKMDEAD official MMMM King until next year and bestow upon him all titles, priveleges, duties, honors and bragging rights associated with said title.

Thanks to all who participated - it was fun! Though we really need to work on our trash talk!

Only 145 days until the Fantasy Football Draft! Get your picks ready!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Thank you so Much ROY, I will make sure not to look down on my subjects to much and more so I will make sure that my wife reads this post so that she can finally see who is Boss.

Is it over???? I keep changing channels on the TV looking for some college baseball games, and all I could find was stupid basketball!


Congratulations Jeff! Way to come on strong at the end! I finished 13th. I had Kansas up against Duke in the championship game. But I forgot to pick a winner for that game and got a (no pick). Next year, I'll be ready!


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