Manny's new tatoo


Long Time Member


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Who'd a known that Jesus played the base!

I'll buy that! i always heard the base strong, hardly ever the rhythm. :)

He's a bass playing Doobie brother with a calf tattoo. That is just weird~
I like to think of jesus of having like giant eagle wings and singing lead vocals for lynard skynard with like an angel band....and I'm in the front row and I'm hammered drunk.....

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
LAST EDITED ON Jan-01-10 AT 05:03PM (MST)[p]"For those that don't get it, its *ss Clown."

We get it. You think people who preach Christianity on open forums like Manny are like Jackasses with clown hats on.

Nice post, thanks for sharing!

>AT 05:03?PM (MST)

>"For those that don't get it,
>its *ss Clown."
>We get it. You think people
>who preach Christianity on open
>forums like Manny are like
>Jackasses with clown hats on.
>Nice post, thanks for sharing!

its what people do when their challenged and got no real answers, MOCK!
little cute cuddly baby infant jesus........ i'm all jacked up on mountain dew chip!
How 'bout this for a tattoo Manny?



Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Manny you simply cant grasp that your "challenge" is a two way street can you?

I have seen an atheist make you look like a fool before, you did great with that challenge didn't you? LMAO, for a refresher, you couldn't back up anything, just post Bible quotes, you ain't God manny.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-10 AT 10:38AM (MST)[p]>How 'bout this for a tattoo


> Ultra liberal, wolf loving,
>illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on
>crack piss me off!!!!


Abe this would suite me better....


Leviticus 19 2"Speak to all the congregation of the people and say to them, You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.

Mark 8: 38For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this(B) adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."

Matthew 7:6 6 "Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs, lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you.
do you religious nutjobs speak Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic?

don't spout religious quotation unless you know the real text.
Aramaic, I speak it and understand it, scriptures i post, i get the lattest version hoping that those who read it may beter understand it...?.
my bad Manny..... as long as you understand the original versions. i am impressed with your passion for scripture and i was confirmed Lutheran myself but i just don't like organized religion.
just make sure the christian bashing keeps going, but make sure the LDS stuff is NUKED ASAP!....LOL.......
How does one get the Christian accreditation?

Christian -- one who believes in Christ assuming they believe in Christ as stipulated by manny.

Non-Christian -- all others.

This should help with any confusion.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-10 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-10 AT 10:24?PM (MST)

>How does one get the Christian
>Christian -- one who believes in
>Christ assuming they believe in
>Christ as stipulated by manny.
>Non-Christian -- all others.
>This should help with any confusion.

I don't make the rules God does...

John 14:6Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.

John 10-1 Jesus said "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter by the door into the fold of the sheep, but climbs up some other way, he is a thief and a robber.
Manny you crack me up. You come on here posting stuff that you yourself know nothing about. You spread Lies and half truths because you read something on the internet. Good luck buddy saving the world from the LDS when you dont know the first part of what they believe. Keep thinking to yourself that everything you touch turns to gold, and you know everything about anything. you act like your standing up for and defending the man up stairs when really you are just making yourself look more like an idiot. Maybe you and stinkystomper and qtcowpie can get together and make up some more stuff you know nothing about. One thing you have taught me, is a person like yourself may be book smrt and say hey, look at me, look at my degree, I went to bible school and because I went to bible school I was called of God so I can tell people what and how to believe. Ya, you can quote scripture, but when it comes to common sense you ride the short bus. Good luck on trying to convince people of your own interpretation of the bible, how you see fit. Maybe you can start another church, build a following, then leave because you think its becoming corrupt.
One thing we have in common is our strong Faith in Christ. The only difference is you are limiting his Powers of what he has done, and what he will continue to do. If you are ok with that then so am I.
""John 14:6Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.""

Hhhmmmmm, yep looks like the LDS faith falls right into that description, so why are you bashing Christans Manny.

And did you ever think that the other post got nuked because of all the NON religious people complaining about it, not because of its subject matter.

I do'nt know the real reason it was nuked but there was a whole lot of NON LDS people on that thread talking alot of crap to YOU, not because it was mormon bashing but because it was Religious at all, (witch I thought was dumb of them if they dont like it dont open the post or go back to it) They were the ones B!tching about the post not the LDS.

Also where is all the Christian Bashing you speak of, I have seen none, this post and the ones like it are being critical of YOU not your faith you ass.

One more thing when are you going to start reading the Book of Mormon, you told me you would if I watched your stupid video, when you going to start.

you never did answer a few questions?
you've said for years you're gonna start your own church,we ain't getting any younger,wth?
what will be different about your church/beliefs?
where will you get your facts?
maybe we could call it: "On the Seventh Day manny's Church was Created"

I have nothing against anybody for any religion they choose to follow,just don't start thrashing Jack Mormons!
What is the difference between a "born again Christian" and a Mormon? Maybe I missed it through all this wonderful dialog.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Manny's own church? why not just hook up with Fred Phelps he's already got the ball rolling?
For all you holyer than thou people, i.e. Manny
A wise man once said "I'm just try'n to get into heaven, I'm not running for jesus!" Homer Simpson
most of the people that i can't stand to be around claim to be going to heaven. if i cant' stand em now, why would i want to be around em forever?
Sooooo, when did it become offensive to stand up/talk about what you believe in??? Christian or not???? No body is holding a gun to your head and making you read it, are they? If you dont like it, dont read it. I personally dont like the pictures or the fact that most of you people dont understand a word manny says....but to each his own, i gotta admit you people do make me laugh. Its perfectly understandable to be afraid of something you dont understand. And when afraid, it is human nature to attack it. I will be the first to admit i do NOT understand the mormon religion or how anyone could believe it. I refuse to attack a mormon though, because i respect their right to believe what they want. If they want to discuss the diffences in beliefs in a respectful manner have at it. IF they want to post the entire book of mormon on here, have at it....just as manny should be able to post the whole bible should he please...NOW, please tell me you people are catching my drift by now, cuz if not im gonna have to bust out the crayons.... Like yo momma, or thumpers (relating to you hunters) momma or someones momma said, "if ya cant say somethin nice, dont say nuthin at all". :) and GOD bless you all, mormon or athiest or catholic, or lutheren or islamic.......Cuz GOD LOVES YOU AND BELIEVES IN YOU, REGARDLESS OF YOUR THOUGHTS CONCERNING HIM, and that my friends, is ALL that matters. [font size="22"]

all organized religion is based on business principles. money making at its best. what does that have to do with Christ?
Money has absolutly nothing to do with Christ....just as a pesons belief and personal relationship with Christ should have absolutly nothing to do with money, or that fact that organized religion "makes money".... So in short....NOTHING.[font size="22"]

>all organized religion is based on
>business principles. money making at
>its best. what does that
>have to do with Christ?

For one a whole lot of humanitarian work and charity. Crazy concept but the money part sort of enables those activities.

keeping up with the Jones' will be the eventual destruction of our world. but hey, I'm all for turning a buck...... and I do beleive in Christ but not because i learned it in sunday school. but it is better to love than hate anyday. love just takes more work.
whoa! Your a smart one 1911!! LOL. Sad how you gotta splain everything sometimes... I myself, thougth it was pretty easy to understand without an explanation...which is why i did not give one.... So good job. Thank you. LOL[font size="22"]

>and i got a goose that
>craps golden eggs.

You're right. Organized religion does zero good with all its filthy lucre. Nope, not a single good thing. Matter of fact, after a quick google search I was only able to find accounts of a few golden egg laying geese but no a single piece of charity work from organized religion of any sort.

Qtip, the real reason we all argue with manny is because "mormons" are just his latest jihad..For a preacher, he is sure filled with hate.

Here is a post to him from Huntindude, from months ago. If you read into it some, you will understand some of his history.....What I'm trying to say is, he has preached himself strait into the ground with many of us::
"So can you make me up a born again christian hate list so I can get started? I know we need to hate all muslims, I mean duh. then there's gays, gotta hate them, Obama , please, and of course all liberals. I'm sure I'm not going to hate all the right people unless I get some adult supervision and you seem to be on the ball so please give me a hand.

By the way just for grins can you put by each hate recipient what Jesus said to let us know to hate them? I don't want any chatter from TV peachers or dope smoking bible writer opinions just the words of Jesus himself. this would be ever so helpful, I really need to get on this I'm not getting any younger and I've only got so much hate to give. thanks buddy I'll check in when I get back."

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