Manny to LA



I love the Redsox, but I love the game of baseball more.
Theres a right way and a wrong way to play baseball and Manny doesnt play the game the way it should be played.
No doubt he is one of the greatest hitters of all time, but im glad to see him go.
+1 I love the sox but Manny has turned into a joke, they are better off without him.
I can't stand him. Great hitter and that's it. Not the way baseball is supposed to be played. Good to see the Sox without him.
You sense that he does not respect the game. I think it paves the way for my Angels. They just swept them 2x with him there for most of the games.
See how he fits in LA.
>You sense that he does not
>respect the game. I
>think it paves the way
>for my Angels. They
>just swept them 2x with
>him there for most of
>the games.
>See how he fits in LA.

Are we positive this is a different Manny? :)
your beloved redsox were better off with him in the lineup you know it.they still have a strong team though just makes it a little better for the yankees i know george is happy
As a Sox fan I'm not going to lie to everyone and say losing Manny doesn't make me nervous...he's always been a bit of a thorn in the side of management, but he's also always be a WAY BIGGER thorn in the side of opposing pitching. Tough to lose him. Jason Bay's a good player, but is he going to invoke the same feeling Manny did when stepping to the plate in the postseason? Doubtful. Ortiz might go the rest of the season without seeing a pitch to hit too, now that he's not got Manny waiting on deck. That's a big part of what made Papi so good, having the one-two punch. I sure hope that it turns out for the best, and it very possibly could. But I'm not as confident in the Sox for now without him, even though he can be a clown.
>>You sense that he does not
>>respect the game. I
>>think it paves the way
>>for my Angels. They
>>just swept them 2x with
>>him there for most of
>>the games.
>>See how he fits in LA.
>Are we positive this is a
>different Manny? :)


You bad.

This was a very good trade for the Red Sox and Pirates. The Sox got a very good outfielder who has a solid bat, and who will be much more of a team player. The Pirates got a bunch of prospects, which is what they need to turn their franchise around.

The Dodgers may hit the jackpot with this crackpot, or it may blow up in their face. As a fan of the Giants, a friend of several of the Diamondbacks staff and a scout for the Pirates, I like this trade. I doubt the Dodgers will like it by the time October rolls around. the Giants are going nowhere this year, so they aren't hurt. The Pirates got prospects who'll make them better in the future, the Red Sox probably just cemented their playoff spot and the D'backs will likely be playing into late October again, as well.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-08 AT 00:01AM (MST)[p]How do you think Torre will handle the b.s. of "Manny being Manny" ??? Not to good I think. Torre is old school. Ill bet the first time Manny runs to first in 5.7 Torre will sit him. Too bad he cant make him cut his hair.
I was born in a Boston suberb and have always favored the Boston teams.

I liked Manny and he certainly could put the ball out there.

I like LA as my west coast team.......

I don't see Torre having the time to toy with Manny--- after all, Torre had many ego's to deal with in NY.

I got $50 that says Manny gets a haircut before next weekend......Torre won't let that "do" stand in his clubhouse.
I LOVE THE YANKEES and can't stand Manny as he was a Yankee killer. My dad is a Dodger fan so He is happy but it's not long term, Manny is a winer,premadona little bia tch!
Too bad they didn't trade him before the Series last fall.
It might have been a different Rocktober.


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