Mandatory Hunter Orange

Hiker of the Woods

Active Member
I found this on the internet.



FYI - At the OHA state board meeting yesterday, ODFW reported that the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission is considering adopting rules to make hunter orange clothing mandatory for hunters. Evidently, there is a significant push from certain groups to make this happen due to a recent unfortunate hunting accident that took life of a 15-year-old hunter.

OHA's position is that we support the VOLUNTARY use of hunter orange.

The Commission has directed ODFW to put together a rules package proposal that will be shopped around later this year. Basically, that means that they will roll out their proposal after it's been initially approved and ask for public comments. In real terms that means that they will be telling us what's coming "down the pike" and our comments will likely not do much good.

The real opportunity to impact what ODFW's proposal looks like is NOW, during its formative stages. Due to that fact, OHA will have representatives at the table even though we only support the VOLUNTARY use of hunter orange clothing. Absent some common sense input from hunters, we could all end up wearing FULL HUNTER ORANGE JUMPSUITS to hunt ANYTHING with ANY WEAPON.

You can (and should) be part of the process too. Your thoughts on the state mandating the use of hunter orange clothing can be sent to several entities to impact this process. Remember, your comments will mean much more now then they will after ODFW staff presents their completed proposal. Time to get busy...

Rick Williams
OHA Vice President
Contacts Regarding Mandatory Hunter Orange Clothing:

Oregon Governor's Office

Governor Kulongoski
160 State Capitol
900 Court Street
Salem, Oregon 97301-4047

Governor?s Citizens? Representative Message Line - 503.378.4582

Fax -503.378.6827

Email Comments Here

Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission

Commission Web Page With Individual Contact Information

Email Comments - [email protected]

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Written Comments:

3406 Cherry Ave.
Salem, Oregon 97303-4924
Re: Mandatory Hunter Orange Clothing

Email Comments:

ODFW Director Roy Elicker - [email protected]

ODFW Wildlife Division Administrator Ron Anglin - [email protected]

ODFW Information and Education Deputy Administrator Rick Hargrave - [email protected]

Here is an email response I got from ODFW:

Thank you for your comments regarding the mandatory wearing of orange while hunting. The department is reviewing this issue at the request of Oregon?s Fish and Wildlife Commission. The department is currently gathering information on hunting-related firearms incidents and research related to hunter orange. This information will be presented to the Commission at the June 4th meeting. The Commission will review the information and hear public comments to make their decision on whether or not rules related to the mandatory wearing of hunter orange are needed. Prior to the June Commission meeting, the department will be asking for public input and comments at the annual big game tag meetings held by each wildlife district in early May. The meetings will be publicized through the media, on the agency?s website, to include the department's social media outlets. If the Commission decides to proceed with potential rulemaking related to hunter orange requirements, they would do so at the October 1st Commission meeting where public comments would also be accepted. There will be information available on this issue on the ODFW website at by February 1.

If you have additional comments or questions please contact:

Chris Willard ? Education Services Manager
[email protected]

Richard Hargrave ? Information and Education Division Deputy Administrator
[email protected]
I don't see what difference it make's on a firearm hunt. I have hunted many state's that orange is required and I wear an orange or red something here in Oregon and have my whole life. I have not harvested any less game because of it. I think it is a good idea. There are to many idiots out there that don't think before they pull the trigger.
I'm not interested in wearing hunter Orange... It's a chance I choose to take. I'd sure like to have the opportunity to make that choice in the future.
Most states have it already so it's just a matter of time.

My opinion is it should be optional, but I said the same thing about seatbelts and look where that got me.
My reasoning for wearing all camo is the idiots can't see you to shoot at you, i think it should be a hunters choice.
>My reasoning for wearing all camo
>is the idiots can't see
>you to shoot at you,
>i think it should be
>a hunters choice.

I don't wear it simply because I don't want people to see where my honey holes are. I can guarantee that if they see you, they will show up there.
I think this is just a matter of time. I hope the orange can be camo and not solid like required in Colorado. For those of you who care I hope you get somebody besides OHA to rally the troops. They don't represent much in my opinion!

Don't forget to send in your emails to ODFW and the Commission. It would be great if people could make it to the ODFW annual big game tag meetings held by each wildlife district in early May and the June 4th Commission meeting as well to voice their concerns.

Will this mean that those hunters that don't id their target will now just shoot anything that does not have bright orange on it? Will hikers, joggers, horseback riders, etc... have to wear bright orange in the woods? Will people out helping a hunter or hunters in the woods have to wear orange? Is there not other things in this state that we could change that would save more lives than this?

From the Ohio DNR,

2.Dress For Success - Eliminate the colors black, red, white, and blue from your hunting clothing. These colors are predominant in the male turkey's plumage and can contribute to a mistaken-for-game incident. Wear complete camouflage.

NWTF's Dress for Success Rules

1.Never wear bright colors, especially not red, white, blue or black because these are the colors of a wild turkey gobbler.
This was on ODFW's website.


"The Commission has requested that ODFW review research and gather information related to the wearing of hunter orange to help it make its decision?specifically, if wearing hunter orange reduces hunting incidents or affects hunter success rates. Staff will present this information to the Commission during the June 4, 2010 meeting in Salem. If the Commission decides to proceed with rulemaking related to hunter orange requirements, it would make a final decision during the October 1, 2010 Commission meeting in Bend.

As always, the Commission will also consider public comment while making its decision. Members of the public are welcome to attend the June and October Commission meetings to provide testimony. They can also email comments to [email protected]; mail them to: ODFW Information and Education, 3406 Cherry Ave NE, Salem, OR 97303 or fax them to 503-947-6009. ODFW will also accept public comments about mandatory hunter orange during its annual big game meetings in May, which are held in each wildlife district statewide. Meeting dates are announced in April; see the Hunting Resources page of ODFW?s Web site."
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