Mandatory Drug Tests



Thousands of hard working Middle Class Americans are required to take random drug tests just to keep their jobs. The requirement should be, ALL elected officials in this country should be required to take ramdon drug tests weekly. Starting at the top with the President of the USA. Why would they be against this? They are doing illegal drugs or their pockets are lined with big drug money!
If that is asking to much, then how about a drug test when they run for office? Just like many business' require prior to being hired.
They preach it but don't walk the talk.
I'm not really against your arguement I just dislike more government involvement. Who would monitor and enforce it? I figure I'm probably just a few years away from having to watch a kid pee in a cup. State athletic associations are putting more and more emphasis at testing athletes at the high school level for performance enhancing drugs. Hope I can retire before it gets to that level although some school districts already are doing random testing.
Not a bad idea...but I was thinking along these lines:

Every job I've had in the last 10 years required a drug test. In that time I've paid 30+ % of my income in taxes. A large portion of that tax has gone to "social" programs...i.e. Welfare...

The people that beneifit from the "social" programs...benefit from my drug free work, are not required to pass a drug test...

Does that make any sense at all ?

very good points. Who would inforce it? Thats a good question.
I guess it will remain like always, "DO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO"!

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