Management animal?


Active Member
For those who have hunted SA before, what is a management animal? Broken horn, female, injured? I am booked for next July and one of the animals is a management animal.
can be any of what you said. Normally it is animals they need to get numbers down on. Some animals are in just numbers that if let alone they will never take off enough in a season to control there numbers. Your normal cull animals are impala blebusk springbuck depending on areas. But wildebeest always need culled to and zebra get culled alot if there has been drought for awhile. Kudu and eland get culled sometimes also but they normally sell them to locals to hunt for meat hunts. If you get lucky and they dont deal with locals you could get to chase one of those.
can be any of what you said. Normally it is animals they need to get numbers down on. Some animals are in just numbers that if let alone they will never take off enough in a season to control there numbers. Your normal cull animals are impala blebusk springbuck depending on areas. But wildebeest always need culled to and zebra get culled alot if there has been drought for awhile. Kudu and eland get culled sometimes also but they normally sell them to locals to hunt for meat hunts. If you get lucky and they dont deal with locals you could get to chase one of those.
Thank you, can't wait!

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