Man vs. Wild


Long Time Member
Geeez what a lame #ss show! Bear Gryllis is an over dramatic so called shock survivalist which reminds of the Crocodile Hunter. Yes he's done some impressive stuff but his show is so hokie I have to watch it just to see what he'll do next that is way overboard. He makes me laugh. He takes 5 minutes to dig a grub out of the wood, eats it, says how horrible it is but its a great source of protein and energy. Hell he burned more calories just finding the grub. Some of his "stunts" have proven to be rigged or fake but he keeps doing the same tired stuff week after week.
I was thinking that exact thing as i was watching him in panama,
i can see it now, he's going to pull a croc hunter and get munched in front of his camera crew,
I believe it was Survivorman who got caught in the motel room.

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
Seems to me the show is like a fear factor dealing with hypothermia or dehydration. I think it's a bunch of crock too but my boys love to watch him. The best one was when he floated down a 45 degee river for an hour and a half with his life vest under his shirt. Then when he gets out it not there any more. Maybe they should call the show WWF vs. Wild?
yeah i think so also. i seen one where he was in like the great basin area i think and he said every river comes to civilization. we know this is not true being from nevada but he obviously didnt! we started to laugh when he found the dead end! in fact we are watching him right now! at least survivor man goes all alone, not with a camera crew, we like him better!

?Hunting is not a sport. In a sport, both sides know they're in the game.?
Agreed, at least Survivorman goes it by himself. Some of the crazy crap Man vs Wild does would get someone killed if they didn't know any better. I keep telling my kids when they watch it things like, "don't jump in a raging river on a log just to see where it comes out." I really hope the uneducated folks from the big cities don't get any crazy ideas that this is actually the way to survive in the woods.
ohhhhhhhh nooooooo my ALLLLLLLLL time fav is when he was west of Moab somewhere in the middle of summer and he pissed on his t shirt and wrapped around his head to stay cool, my youngest daughter was watching it with me and i quote "dad did he do that so he could cool off?" i says uh huh, and she fires back with but pee is warm,,,,, i went ahead and turned the channel LOL
He always takes too many risks in climbing all these things too. On one of the new ones he climbs up a canyon in Africa and free climbs an inverted face. Like any normal person would ever attempt that at all!!?? Whenever he does stupid climbs like that I wait for him to fall and keep telling my kids that he is an idiot and to not do half the crap he tries because for most people, it would kill them, even though he claims "You have to do it to survive." Whatever - most of the crap he does are the things stupid people do when they are lostthat end up getting them killed.

I like "Survivorman" Les Stroud much better.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
"I believe it was Survivorman who got caught in the motel room."

Nope....pretty sure that was Bear from Man vs. Wild. In fact, a few of his shows have been 'debunked' in a way. One time, it showed him crossing this huge rock 'chasm', supposedly, in the middle of nowhere. Someone recognized the area and posted a video of it on YouTube. It was about 100 yards from a MAJOR highway.

Anyhoo, I like Les Stroud a LOT more because he is ALONE for 7 days and has to fend for himself with some very basic tools. He even carries his own 60 LB camera equipment himself. So far, I've only seen a single episode that was called off because of some hazards that would have separated him from his rescue crew and put all their lives in danger.
>Seems to me the show is
>like a fear factor dealing
>with hypothermia or dehydration.
>I think it's a bunch
>of crock too but my
>boys love to watch him.
> The best one was
>when he floated down a
>45 degee river for an
>hour and a half with
>his life vest under his
>shirt. Then when he
>gets out it not there
>any more. Maybe they
>should call the show WWF
>vs. Wild?

LOL...that episode is exactly when I stopped watching the show. That cracks me up that someone else noticed.
This is all hearsay and speculation, but I think he does all that because his show was never intended to be a reality show, more of a how-to show. I don't think anyone can argue the legitimate ability the guy must have: British SAS, French Foreign Legion, he even climbed everest. Now come on, those guys aren't exactly slouches. I read somewhere he was forced by the producers to wear the life jacket because their insurance wouldn't cover him otherwise. I like watching him just to see what crazy stunt he'll pull next. I'll gladly respect someone that'll suck moisture out of elephant crap.
Farmers harvest. Hunters kill
"I'll gladly respect someone that'll suck moisture out of elephant crap."

Kyle, you need to raise your standards just a tad! LOL!

I am not knocking his credentials - he obviously has the experience, especially the climbing. He has the training to take the risks, while most people do not.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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