Man Vs. Wild.....vs.....Survivorman


Active Member
between the two i always liked the survivorman show myself. you know they are for entertainment purposes, BUT, it seemed that survivorman was somewhat legit. he was filming on his own (so it seems) and giving real techniques for survival situations. he was always being cautious and preaching that. man vs. wild is too flashy and he does crazy ass $hit that you should never do in a survival, last night he gave himself an enima on a life raft to slow dehydration!! ha ha. what a sick a$$hole....literally:)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-10 AT 08:34PM (MST)[p]Yep - Bear Grhylls is an English tool. Survivorman is far superior - and Les Stroud did do it all alone.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Bear is in much better shape and would do far better in a real life situation. I lost respect for Survivorman when he was wining when it was to hard for him and he said " I did not sign up for this."

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
man vs wild did a show here in the snake river last year (Oregon). the people that own the tavern/motel/market in Imnaha said the entire crue stayed in their motel while filming for the week! Even Bear was staying there while he was suppose to be out "all week"!

Both of them are dumbassses.... Do the things they do when you are in a survival situation and you will increase your chance of failure big time...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-10 AT 08:02AM (MST)[p]Ive always thought that the survivorman was the more homo of the two shows but after last night when bear grills shoved that hose up his hind end I think I might be changing my mind. :)
Do what these clowns do in an actual survival situation and you will become a statistic.
On a recent Man Vs. Wild show, Bear travels to the arctic circle.

It was pretty awesome when he caught a caribou with a snare (if it was real).

Then he finds an "abandoned" cabin, which did not look all that abandoned to me. It probably belonged to indigenous people. Inside of the cabin were some old wooden skis. He takes them. Then he just happens to need to get across a large frozen lake but it wasn't apparent why. Then he uses his parachute as a sail and using the skis he goes kite skiing across the lake.

Entertainment value is high on his show but reality is not in my opinion, too many things seem staged.
Even better on the same show he builds a wooden sled to drag the caribou. Then fumbles the enrire caribou into a river. Salvaging only a shoulder in the icy water. In a real survival situation one would have not taken the entire animal out. Removing as much meat as one could pack into his backpack. He could of taken what he could reasonably carry and told the "viewers" his camera crew was going to take the remainder out to avoid violating game laws.

Instead an entire caribou less one shoulder and the pint of blood he sucked out of it's neck was won ton waste.
Tiffany - I hold a lot more respect for Les Stroud. He is competetive adventure racer and wanted to keep himself in beter shape. Plus, unlike Bear Grylls, Les was literally starving himself during those episodes, he often had to recover for a few weeks before he could do another one. That's not whining - it is wise. He was the real deal.

Here is a good link to an interview with Les

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
last year , on hear, i read a post where someone said "bear grylls, severed some fingers" what ever happened to that?
I prefer the episode of The Office where Michael Scott is "Survivorman". The Office is hilarious

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