Man vs. Wild - Alabama! Tonight


Long Time Member
Really! Tonights show features Bear overdramatizing very mundane events while traveling across the Alabama landscape, making every encounter look like life threatening circumstances. I've read the recap of the show and these are the highlights. I know I'll be watching!

Bear encounters a backwoods farmer with a sheep under each arm and discovers he's the local pimp. After a brief exchange of words, Bear, for the first time in the shows history appears to be the smart one.

In a seemingly useless segment of the episode he shows you how to calculate the smallest limb diameter on a hickory tree that will support a 10 pound possum.

Later in the show he teaches you how to set a snare out of unused dental floss and actually catches a coon with half its teeth missing. After eating it raw he gets a case of the runs but shows you how to clense yourself by mixing his own urine with cow dung and making a bar of soap.

Shows you how to make unfliltered Camel cigarettes out of swamp grass and moss rolled in tree bark.

How to construct a still from parts he finds in a junkjard. By the end of the night he's drunk and mumbling something about how he's a fraud.

Shows you how to construct a shelter using an old truck hood and some bailing wire.

How to properly skin 3 day old roadkill with a lid off a rusty steel can.

How to escape quicksand. He could have simply walked around but instead makes a catapult from Cottonwood limbs and Spanish moss which fails miserably, causing him to fall in. After stripping down naked he's able to backstroke to the edge of the quagmire where he pulls himself to safety.

Yeah this guy irritates me!! Give me back the Crocodile Hunter!
I like the part where he survives for 4 days with his head cut off. He manages to sew it back on with rat gut.

I personally like watching bear gryllis, sure he does some dumb stuff, but its at least entertaining something I cant say about most TV
I heard they cancelled the segment where he had sex with the Geico Gecko, then ate it for dinner that evening.

They said he was pizzed 'cuz he had the gecko confused with Flo from the OTHER insurance commercials..........
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-09 AT 08:22AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-09 AT 08:17?AM (MST)

I have to chime in on this one......since I live about 4 miles from where this episode was filmed. We watched it last night at the fire station...I've seen his show several times before...but this was without a doubt the biggest crock of you know what I've seen on TV in a loooooong time. If he wanted to impress someone, he should have done the show at this time of year.....mid-August...he would have come away with a couple of snake bites, least one case of getting into a yellow jacket's nest with no less than 10 stings,...4 spider bites (2 of which are brown recluse), least 25 skeeter bites....the wild hog would have bitten him on the inside of the legs a few times...oh, I forgot it was tied to a tree,...he would have disovered, about 2 days later, that he had a royal case of poison ivy on some very sensitive parts of his anatomy which would require a visit to the local quack for a shot of Cortisone in order to keep from clawing his skin off,....also he would have gotten a good case of the scours (southern speak for the 'runs') from eating the hog meat less than fully cooked,......and last but not least......after 2 days in the woods, he would have no less than 125 chigger bites that will itch to the point of driving a person to the brink of insanity. Now that would be a Man vs Wild episode seems to me! Oh yes,....we have no alligators in North Alabama....and certainly not in Feb. when this episode was filmed.
good info there firemedic

He oversensationalizes everything to the points its laughable. i had tears in my eyes laughing at him flailing around in the mud to protect himself from the fire, and in every episode he has to find some excuse to get naked. The show is like a car wreck... you don't want to watch but you gotta keep looking.
I can't wait. The comedy value of this show cannot be overstated especially when the star is trying to make it all look so genuine.

When I saw that he was going to provide me with survial information in the "wilds" of Alabama, I started laughing out loud and haven't seen a minute of it yet.

Previews looked like he was going to be charged by one of those killer feral hogs. I just hope he can find his way out of the wilderness.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-09 AT 05:08PM (MST)[p]Well you're gonna love this one moondog,....he barely makes it out alive! He sets a snare for a deer,..finds a wild pig that has somehow been left tied to a sapling with about a 10 foot section of rope,...but it was destined for slaughter no harm done by killing it. He eats some deer pills before he finds the'll get a kick out of that now. Keep in mind that all this took place within 3 or 4 miles of my house. Oh...I forgot all the 15 foot alligators swimming around in North Bama in Feb....just looking for women and small children to eat. LOL After watching this show, I told my buddies that watched it with me at the fire sation, that it's a real testament to our woodsmanship that we have survived all these years living here in the 'Wilds of Alabama'....well gotta go....I think I hear my hog dogs baying a gator out in the yard.
great posts firemeds. i live north of chattanuga and the lend up here is about the same as yours. bear sure does over esxajurats (sp) everything. like i said, how are we still alive after all these years being in the woods
I don't know lesgo.....only by the grace of God I'm sure! As one of my buddies at the Fire Dept. always says.....'It's life against death every day"....I now believe him!
after 2 days in
>the woods, he would have
>no less than 125 chigger

Your not supposed to refer to them as "chiggers" anymore.
I think "ciggeros" would be correct
LAST EDITED ON Aug-21-09 AT 10:53AM (MST)[p]Hahahaha.....ok, then that's what we'll call 'em. I failed to even mention the multitude of ticks that he would have on him if he did that in Aug.
Love it all guys!!!!! Sincere thanks for the comic relief on a VERY crappy Friday (work wise anyway...)!!

Feleno; Dang-it man!!! You are too funny!!! The 'back woods' tongue in cheek humor is hilarious!!!!


sorry about the rough day at work. i have them about 5 of them every week. you get my humor, glad to make you laugh.

i hear that Bear is coming out with a new show on a different network.... stay tuned :)
I have seen exactly 2 mins, 33 seconds of one of his shows. It was right at the point where, in the dead of winter, he suggested you jump in the river to get you to your destination quicker.

I was done after that. Entertainment is one thing, but when you pass this off as actual survival information, some idiot out there will try it.

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