Man stuck upside down in UT Cave dies.....


Man stuck upside in Utah cave dies

By BROCK VERGAKIS, Associated Press Writer Brock Vergakis, Associated Press Writer

Published: Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 8:46 a.m.
Last Modified: Thursday, November 26, 2009 at 8:46 a.m.
SALT LAKE CITY ? A man stuck upside-down in a cave for more than a day died early Thursday, despite the efforts of dozens of rescuers, authorities said.

John Jones, 26, of Stansbury Park died about 12:30 a.m., nearly 28 hours after he became stuck 700 feet into the cave known as Nutty Putty, Utah County Sheriff's Department spokesman Sgt. Spencer Cannon said.

Rescuers were next to Jones for much of the day but he was wedged in a small hole too tightly to pull him out or even reach through to assist him, Cannon told The Associated Press.

"They were right there with him, checking his vital signs," Cannon said. "They were able to get close enough to verify that he was deceased."

The 6-foot-tall, 190-pound spelunker got stuck with his head at an angle below his feet about 9 p.m. MST Tuesday. At times more than 50 rescuers were involved in trying to free him.

The crevice where Jones was trapped was about 150 feet below ground in an L-shaped area of the cave known as "Bob's Push," which is only about 18 inches wide and 10 inches high, Cannon said.

The rescue effort at the cave, about 80 miles south of Salt Lake City, was slow throughout the day Wednesday with crews chipping away with air-powered tools in the narrow tunnel.

At one point late in the afternoon, Jones was freed from the crevice, only to fall back several feet into the tight space when a cord that was supporting him failed, Cannon said

Rescuers were able to get him food and water during that temporary freedom.

In the hours after he became wedged again, Jones' physical condition deteriorated.

"He was experiencing difficulty maintaining consciousness and breathing. With whatever other factors there were, he did not survive," Cannon said.

Cannon said a medical examiner would determine the exact cause of death later. He said crews had suspended efforts to free his body for the night, but would resume at first light.

Jones, a medical student at the University of Virginia, was part of a group of 11 people exploring the cave passages.

"We were just looking forward to a good time," Mike Jones, the victim's 32-year-old brother, told The Salt Lake Tribune.

The group split up, with several children and some adults staying in a less dangerous area of the cave while others decided to explore further, 23-year-old Josh Jones, another brother, told The Salt Lake Tribune.

"It basically got to a point where we were trying to figure out if the cave went any further, and that's the route John decided to take," 25-year-old Joey Stocking of Logan told the Tribune.

Jones was going head-first into the crevice when he got stuck.

"He thought he could kind of keep going on his belly down further, but it got to point where he couldn't go any further and he got wedged in," Stocking said.

The group tried to free him.

"I was only able to see his two feet that was hanging there in the crevice," Josh Jones said. "I wasn't able to see more because he was engulfed in the crevice itself."

Nutty Putty cave is actually a hole on the top of hill about seven miles west of State Road 68. The naturally formed thermal cave is about 1,500 feet long. Its multiple, tunnels and passageways lead to room-like openings, a Web site for Utah cave-enthusiasts explains.

According to the official Nutty Putty cave Web site, the area was first discovered in 1960. The cave is privately owned by Utah's State Institutional Trust Land Administration. An access pass is required to explore the cave, with usage restricted to about six groups daily.

The county's last rescue there was in 2004.

Cannon said officials considered closing the tunnel or sealing it off after the last rescue but ultimately decided to erect a gate that requires a key for entry.

"We've had people stuck in this exact same spot. We're working and working to get him undone out of the spot and we don't really have any way of predicting what's gonna happen until ? boom, all the sudden they're out," he said.
I've been in there a hundred times, there are a few tight spots. I feel for the family of the deceased.
>Spelunking is for fools .
> . .


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

My bro-in-law was with the party that went in. He was with the victim for quite a while before search and rescue got there. He's pretty shaken up about the whole thing. Definitely a sad deal for everyone involved. My heart goes out to the family members and the rescue teams involved.
They have officially stopped trying to remove his body, and the cave entrance will be PERMANENTLY sealed shut.

Very sad story, he leaves behind a little kid and a pregnant wife.

short of being beheaded by islamic fanatics....I can't think of a worse way to sad.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

Read in the newspaper this morning that there will be no attempt to remove his body, would endanger others. He will be entombed inside that cave and sealed up however they plan to do it.
Truely a sad story and maybe others will realize that too.

As a member of washington county search and rescue ,st george ut, My heart goes out to the family and the rescue teams having been on many possitive outcomes and countless body recoveries these types of rescues can be very hard on rescue teams closely involved i also have a very hard time believing that the state or family would allow them to leave the body the human body goes through many transformations after being deceased the body will be recovered and hopefully they spend the money on a couple hundred yards of concrete and seal this story for good what a nightmare for the rescue teams and family!!!!!!

Permanently closing that cave off is a misguided knee jerk reaction. One death in how many thousands of visitors hardly represents a catastrophe to the level which warrants completely closing off a publicly owned recreational/geological site.

Using that same standard lets close off all beaches, Little Sahara, St. Anthony, shooting ranges, swimming holes, fishing holes, jet skis, snowmobiles, jeep safaris, big game hunting, small game hunting, ect., ect.

What they all have in common is unfortunate accidents resulting in death. What they don't have in common is far fewer people have died in that cave than any of the other aforementioned activities.

the last kid that was trapped in the exact same place nearly had the same outcome and the only knee jerking that should be going on is some ones foot in your arse!!!!!
>the last kid that was trapped
>in the exact same place
>nearly had the same outcome
>and the only knee jerking
>that should be going on
>is some ones foot in
>your arse!!!!!

easy now Mr. Punctuation....lots of public places have dangers and are left open as should be. This isn't Cuba yet. Drag him outta there and let the spelunkers spelunk.....don't worry though, you won't ever have to come save me from that hell hole.

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-09 AT 09:12PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-09 AT 09:10?PM (MST)

>the last kid that was trapped
>in the exact same place
>nearly had the same outcome
>and the only knee jerking
>that should be going on
>is some ones foot in
>your arse!!!!!

Well, using your sophmoric debate technique, close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Thousands of humans nearly drown in the bath tub too. Let's seal them all off with thousands of yards of concrete.

Please explain your need for the explicit threats of violence based on my post? I did not disrespect you or anyone else in my post. I simply stated that in my opinion, it is a mistake, emotionally oriented, to close down a public, geological/recreational resource such as this. You are barking up the wrong tree Slick.

A very sad situation. I am very impressed by how his family is handling the situation. Hope only for the best for them to get through this trial.

I have been in the cave numerous times. It was a fun way to spend a night. 99% of the cave is not dangerous. They should have sealed the passage which has caused the problems. There has been one death in 49 years and only a handful of rescues. I notice that another person fell off Angels Landing in Zion Nation Park. That makes 3 in the past 4 years. Better close that hike. And also the mountain climbing above Salt Lake; seems there are a couple rescues a week up there and a death every couple months. Makes sense to make that public land "No Trespassing".
There is a risk you take, every time you walk out your door, that you might not come back. Live life to the fullest because you never know when your numbers up.

By this I mean that cave was probably not anymore dangerous than the chance you take driving, hunting,breathing etc.

My heart does go out to the family, at least he died doing the things he loved doing, and not of cancer or some other horrible thing.

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