Decided I was cooking tonight or gonna starve!

Stopped at the Store and bought me the following:

2-Hickory Farms Original Summer Sausage!

1-Box of RITZ Crackers!

1-Brick of Velveta Cheese!

1-New York Chocolate Cheese Cake!

Probably not good for you?

But Damn this is good!

I never had to turn the Stove on to cook any of it either!:D

Let's Hear what kinda MAN MEALS you're fixin?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
The Mrs. is out of town tonite. Looks like peanut butter and jelly sandwich. If you didn't live so far away I'd come over your place catman


"Man Meal" and "Summer Sausage" do not belong together in the same post.
I know We got kids NVB!

You're one of the older kids around here!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Kipper snacks, and a can of pork and beans. That was lunch, we've been out on the San Rafael all day.
Traditional only >>>------->
If you eat that combo.....

You will be dropping 1--5lb marble size chit for the next 2-3 mornings......

You will be so constipated that the white of your eyes will be a deep dark brown by Monday morning.

Eat two or three apples twice a day until the brown goes away...

Remember Wizards 'Sharted' thread......maybe for you by mid-day Tuesday.

Just sayin'

When I am home alone for a night it is crab legs!!! Family does not like the taste or smell so I take advantage when I can.

You're hidin the good stuff till everybody leaves?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
GEEZ BESS I'm going to do my best to not take this post personal, but you have a standing invitation to dinner at my house and you haven't showed up yet!!!!

I'll tell you what, let's plan on this menu-

Elk Tenderloin steaks,
Dutch oven Potatoes,
Homemade baked beans,
Homemade rolls,
and my FAMOUS pumpkin cheesecake

I bet you won't even have to touch the stove, and Justr will be happy to bring you the beers. :)
Sounds like a great man meal to me. Had the same for lunch, minus the velveta. That stuff is for fishing. I like Kasseri cheese with summer sausage and crackers. Throw in some sauerkraut and hot mustard and finish with some ice cream. One warning, be careful when the wife shows up, that kind of meal will make your belch smell like a fart.

Ya,justr says you feed him well!

Says you are always fixin something good!

I only thought my MAN MEAL sounded good!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-10 AT 10:48PM (MST)[p]Done that summer sausage bit but I prefer mine cut in half inch squares added to a bowl full of Corn Pops and chilled milk. There is just something about the contrast between the taste of crunchy sweat corn and what ever that crappy taste of Hickory Farm summer sausage has. I love it. I believe I'll go stir me up a batch right now. Need a little something to keep my attitude right while I'm getting my beauty rest.

That is just down right wimpy. Chicken and fresh cheese is just not in the same league with Real Man Meals. I always figured you for a mutton an beet greens kind of guy! I can see I got a major overhaul in store next time your in town.

I cooked cajon spiced fried blackened chicken, boiled taters, steamed corn, and pernt near a half a gallon milk... not bad if I must say.
Damn tailchasers!

You got any leftovers?

I'll be over!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And some "men" eat way too much Bisquits and Gravy before going fishing......LOL
Where the heck have you been lately?

Had to go with my Gutbuster Special the other night as I could stand it no longer:
Grilled Wisconsin Brats, Maryland crab cakes and homemade pierogies. Veggies stay home for this one.

Man, I love to grill a thick rib-eye, and deep fry up some fresh green shrimp, dipped in a spiced up tempra badder. Fresh garden sliced tomatoes, and corn on the cob. A couple ice cold diet cokes to wash it down. Let her settle and then have a thick slice of cherry crumb cobbler, with cream poured over it. Trouble is, whenever I have it, it tends to draw a crowd.

When in the mountains, it's a camp fire grilled rib-eye, boiled red potatoes and corn in the cob.
When the family is away, it's homemade Jambalaya !

Rice in tomato broth, with diced tomatos, celery, bell peppers, jalapenos, onions and garlic.
Jumbo prawns, hot links and chicken. (lots of prawns and hot links)

Afterwards, a pint of Ben & Jerrys to cool the fire.
I got one of those sandwich machine thingys. You get 4 slices of bread, lay two of them down on the tray, put some leftovers on top of the bread, put the remaining bread on top, use C-clamps to hold the lid down. Shut the lid, grab a beer and come back for a warm sammmich.

Tonight I put in some pork roast, chili, sour cream, salsa and cheese....nuthin' like some cholesterol pellets to start out my evening.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-10 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]Dang Anacona ya with a meal like that your gonna need a fist full of rolaids, a roll of charmin for the next day, a tube butt cream, and a new can of lysol. That's a meal that fights back before it exits.
My Friends Larrbo and his wife have invited me out to their Lakefront home this evening for his home cooked Prime Rib! They had me out last year too and it was beyond yummy! That's a Man's meal and i'll not be late!!!

Dungenous(sp) Crab is at the very top of my list. I like to clean up about 5 or 6 crabs, cool it off in the fridge, then sit down surrounded by protective newspaper and get to work. I'll shovel it in about as fast as i can get to it, which is pretty fast, and i'll not quit until i've had enough for the year!

For quick and easy, i'll cut a 5" hunk off a good 2 pound dry salami, a couple cans of smoked oysters, box of regular old saltines, with or without cheese, and a few Diet Pepsi's to wash it all down. Hard to beat!

S'all Good!!

I like to heat up some "death in a bottle" and some frozen mashed potatoes.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Either a ribeye with mushrooms and hashbrowns or a pizza sandwich.

I love to take a loaf of french bread and cut it in half. Make a pepperoni on each half. cook them and take them out of the oven. Put fresh purple onions, tomato and ranch in the middle fold over and eat----very messy but good.

respect my authorita
Usually about a 6 to maybe 8 porkchops in a can. sometimes refered to cervesa. Or Beer. hmmm. Might have a few chips and salsa to go with.

Outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.
I like Dinty Moore's beef stew- cold right out of the can, with a Burbon chaser.
since i quit a good job and became a broke college student i found some pretty manly cheap meals. a box of mac and cheese and a can of chili mixed together will make three good meals. ramen noodled with bbq sauce is alright too. fried bologna and bacon and cheese sandwiches work for breakfast lunch or dinner. vienna sausages are great for a cheap snack. hash browns mix pretty well with pancake mix to make man cakes. ive also consumed about three quarters of my venison from this year. luckily i have family to keep me in mutton when i feel high class. also any time someone offers me a free meal i take full advantage. i made some awesome mutton quesadillas yesterday too. this list could go on forever. my personal fave so far is chicken fried venison.
>I like Dinty Moore's beef stew-
>cold right out of the
>can, with a Burbon chaser.
>, quickest thing you can eat!

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