man killed by tame Grizz.......



BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. - The grizzly bear that wrestled Will Ferrell's character in the recent film "Semi-Pro" seemed to obediently follow cues ? which made its killing of its trainer with a bite to the neck all the more stunning.

Three experienced handlers were working with the grizzly Tuesday at the Predators in Action wild animal training center when the bear attacked Stephan Miller, 39, said San Bernardino County sheriff's spokeswoman Cindy Beavers.

Stephan Miller is the cousin of training center owner Randy Miller, she said.

Pepper spray was used to subdue and contain the bear, and there were no other injuries, Beavers said. Paramedics arriving shortly after the initial emergency call around 3 p.m. were unable to revive Stephan Miller.

The state Department of Fish and Game and Occupational Safety and Health Administration were investigating the incident.

Fish and game spokesman Harry Morse told the San Bernardino Sun Tuesday his department would not decide whether the bear will be euthanized because the attack occurred outside its jurisdiction during a training session on facility grounds.

Morse speculated that the county animal care officials may decide the bear's fate. A call placed early Wednesday to the county's Animal Care and Control Program was not answered.

Sheriff's Sgt. Dave Phelps said the bear was a 5-year-old male named Rocky. The Predators in Action Web site said Rocky is 7 1/2 feet tall and weighs 700 pounds.

The site, which was off-line early Wednesday due to overtaxed bandwidth, identified Rocky as the animal that appeared with Ferrell's character in the scene from "Semi-Pro." Randy Miller doubled for Ferrell in the bear wrestling match, according to the site.

Calls seeking comment from Randy Miller were not immediately returned Tuesday evening.

The center, located in the San Bernardino Mountains east of Los Angeles, has two grizzlies, and also trains lions, tigers, leopards, cougars and wolves for uses ranging from film and TV to advertising and education.

In a February interview, Randy Miller called Rocky "the best working bear in the business," the San Bernardino Sun reported on its Web site Wednesday. But, the paper quoted him as saying, "If one of these animals gets a hold of your throat, you're finished."

Randy Miller has 25 years of experience training animals and his facility has had a perfect safety record, according to the site.

Randy Miller won a World Stunt Academy Award for his work wrestling tigers in the 2000 blockbuster "Gladiator" and performed stunts with his animals in films like "The Postman," "The Island of Dr. Moreau," and "The Last Samurai." He also helped recreate animal attacks for National Geographic documentaries and the Discovery Channel.

It was not immediately known how long Rocky has been at the facility.

The attack prompted actress Virginia McKenna, founder of the international wildlife charity Born Free, to call for the entertainment industry to stop using wild animals.

"The movie industry urgently needs to use its technological and creative imagination to put an end to the use of live wild animals in commercials and movies," McKenna, who starred in the 1966 wildlife film "Born Free," said in a printed release. "Hollywood is a dream factory ? this time the dream has become a nightmare."

Denise Richards, who works with wild animals at Moonridge Zoo, a sanctuary for injured and homeless wildlife in nearby Big Bear Lake, said trained animals that turn on their handlers are often destroyed.

"You can train them and use as many safety precautions as you can, but you're still taking a chance if you're putting yourself in contact with them," Richards said. "It's still a wild animal. Even though it may appear that the bear attacked for no reason, there was a reason. I'm sure Randy understands why it happened. They're not cold-blooded killers."

Native grizzly bears are extinct in California.

That was Manny, cub reporter for the news. Thanks Manny for that report. The fate of Rocky certainly bears watching.

This update just in: Sgt Cindy Beavers and her twin sister, Candy, were apparently slightly injured in the incident and taken to the local hospital complaining of a burning sensation. F & G officer Harry Morse apparently got some pepper spray on the Beavers while wrestling the bear. Sgt Dave Phelps said the Beavers, well known within the department for always putting it out there and going that extra mile, will recover fully as soon as the burning stops.

Denise Richards, who works at Moonridge Zoo, said trained animals that turn on their handlers are often destroyed. Phelt, the Beavers and Harry were all down on Denise for making such a statement, claiming the Moonridge is a place we should never hear from in situations like these.

During the attack on Miller, repeated attempts were made to get Rocky off but to no avail until they resorted to the use of pepper spray. Sounds like my ex.

Bear owner Randy Miller said the potential MSRP of the bear is astronomical. It's little wonder grizzly?s are extinct in California.

Now, back to you Manny. :)
There's no such thing as a "tame" anything from the wild, it's more like "brain washed".

And eventually the "wild" comes back out with the instict that God gave them.

Sad deal none the less for the injured people.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-08 AT 04:05PM (MST)[p]The Beaver sisters... burning sensation... recover fully as soon as the burning stops... F & G officer Harry Morse apparently got some pepper spray on the Beavers while wrestling the bear.... Sgt Dave Phelps said the Beavers, well known within the department for always putting it out there and going that extra mile.... Phelt, the Beavers and Harry were all down on Denise....

STOP IT!! My sides are hurting form ROFLMAO!!!!!
I didnt read the whole article, so this could have already been mentioned, but I heard on the radio this morning that this all happened while filming a promo. So. . .I wonder who has the film and when, if ever, it will hit the web. If it did, would yall watch it?
Bear, Beavers and all. Hell yeah.I see worse stuff on the internet all the time. Maybe if they showed a few more consequences to stupid acts less people would try them. Or maybe more would but we could weed out more of the stupid people. Of course I don't know where we would get new recruits for MM members after a while. :)
What? Native grizzly bears extinct in California with all the do gooders in San Fagcisco and the Hollyweirdo's. I think all us good Idahoans and Montanans need to get together and give them a couple of hundred, what do you think? After all they helped us out with our extinct wolves we should show our thanks.
They helped with our extinct wolves. That was a good deal. I feel great about all of those land sharks running around and eating the guts out of deer, elk and moose. As a returned favor, I'd like to send a massive shipment to San Fagcisco of bottles labled as Anal Eze, but actually contain fast drying super glue. And to Hollywood, a truck full of cocaine, that is actually rat poison. Enjoy.
Regretably he had been following for some time a certain thread in Sportsmans Political Talk and decided to leave his sidearm at home that day.
I am not sure but I think you have to shave those Beavers to remove the pepper spray residue. Otherwise, they would have to lick the fur to clean it and possibly cause further trauma, like lockeye and muscle spasms. That's just what I heard.

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