Man Arrested! Headlines or BS?

Somebody in Colorado had a hunting rifle!? What are the odds? This is exactly the response I would expect from Democrat leadership, have the man arrested and everyone present run for cover.
Yep, i thought the same thing. Bunch of BS! since when is it illegal to "carry" a cased gun? Sounds like they made up something to charge him with.

The story needs to have a few more details yeah, but from what was reported...this is a danger to most every hunter.

I suppose you have to look at the security problem.

I am sure there are a lot of people who would like to go to Denver this week and scuff up some "Crats".

A smart guy might have left his junk in the car till he got his room key.

I would LOVE to own the 5 closest Starbuck's to the DNC event. I'd be on 4 or 5 "first cabin" hunting trips every year, for the next 10 years.
Now where in the hell has common sense gone to, it sure isn't in the Secret service, Seem that it would be real easy to check this guys story before he is booked into jail.
Sometimes the Secret Service is like the ATF, very short on common sense and long on being anti gun due to the political party involved. Their mission does not concern that Man's welfare and they could give a crap less about the reason he had the guns. Their sole concern is to protect those political members and not be bothered by some working slob who thought he was doing nothing illegal. They would prefer to error on being protective of the political members there, and to hell with being concerned with trampling on that hunter's rights. Once they found a charge to hang on him, he became shark bait for the legal system.

I don't know guys but this sounds like something that might go on in some third world country, not the good ol USA. I think those agents got a little to full of themselves, had a knee jerk reaction to the word "WEAPONS" and carried things to the extream.

What interested me in the first place was the State. Colorado, of all places, just seemed too ironic, that's why i posted the link. If nothing else, we all can learn a lesson from this, NOT to take our individual owning, shooting, hunting, and self defense with firearms, for granted. Many, not just anti hunters, don't believe we should have them!


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