Mall Shooting in Nebraska



cut and paste the link if you want it to work. This will get blamed on the gun and not the whack job that did it.

BREAKING NEWS: At least one person was killed and five people reportedly wounded Wednesday afternoon by a lone gunman who shot up the largest shopping mall in Omaha, Neb.

FOX News confirmed that a gunman was taken into custody and that police are not searching for additional suspects.

Andrea McMaster, a spokesperson for the University of Nebraska Medical Center, told FOX News that three shooting victims were being treated: A 61-year-old man shot in the chest, a 34-year-old man shot in the arm, and a 55-year-old man with a cut to his face. The 61-year-old man was in critical condition and undergoing surgery.

She said other victims were being treated at another facility.

Creighton and Methodist hospitals reportedly were receiving victims.

FOX News has confirmed that one victim was shot in the head and killed. The report of a second fatality was not confirmed.

KMTV reported the two fatalities based on reports heard on police scanners.

One witness, Todd Trimpe, told FOX News that he saw police apprehend a man, dressed in camouflage, who was hiding under a bus-stop bench outside the mall. Trimpe said he did not know what was happening inside the mall when he witnessed the arrest.

Police had put the Westroads Mall, Omaha's largest shopping mall, on lockdown while it searched for the shooter.

One of the victims was reportedly an elderly man found near an escalator inside Von Maur department store, one of the mall's anchor tenents.

Witnesses described hearing "dozens and dozens" of shots being fired, with one witness saying she heard more than 30 shots.

A woman who answered the phone at an Old Navy store said 20 to 30 customers were huddled with employees in a back storeroom.

"All we know was people were running and screaming down the hallway by Von Maur saying there was a shooting, and then they locked us down," said the woman, who said her name was Heidi.

Keith Fidler, an employee at Von Maur, said he heard the burst of gunfire, followed by dozens of shots. Fidler said he huddled in the corner of the men's clothing department with about a dozen other employees until police yelled to get out of the store.

Fidler said he did not see the shooting, but saw a person lying by the elevator as he was leaving the store.

President Bush was in town Wednesday for a fundraiser in Omaha, but left about an hour before the shooting.
9 people dead because some jack off had to be dumb. Very sad. Makes you wish there was somebody there like there was in Utah last year with a gun.

The other thing I noticed when I listened to the story on the radio, they mentioned the guy was wearing camo in a way that anybody who wears it is bad. Does it really matter what the guy was wearing? Now what, ban camo clothes in public?

It's Bush's fault!!!
YEa, that would suck if they banned camo!! :)

Last year in about January sometime, me and a few buddies were out hunting yotes down by St. George all day. When we got back to town, we were starved! So we went into this BRAND NEW resturant to have some dinner, dressed fully and I mean HEAD TO TOE in camo. They acted like they did not want to seat us. We could see a ton of open tables and the girl walked over the her Mgr and we coudl see them talking, then he went over and cleared and cleaned a table in the very very far back corner where no one could see us and then walked us around the back way to get the our table. I was pissed so I got up and walked around the whole place looking for the bathroom to make sure that EVERYONE saw us sitting at out table!!!!!!

We sure got some STRANGE looks from all the preppy little wienies down there!! It was actually quite fun! In fact I think we will do it again this winter!
So what do those preppy little weinies do when the local National Guard Unit comes in to eat????? I swear some of these tree huggers nowadays are so ignorant. SEMPER PARATUS

As for the mall incident I am sorry that happened..this is the first I've heard about it,,,but when somebody walks into a mall and fire's 30 shots you mean nobody noticed him packing a weapon???
>So what do those preppy little
>weinies do when the local
>National Guard Unit comes in
>to eat????? I swear some
>of these tree huggers nowadays
>are so ignorant.
>As for the mall incident I
>am sorry that happened..this is
>the first I've heard about
>it,,,but when somebody walks into
>a mall and fire's 30
>shots you mean nobody noticed
>him packing a weapon???

Long Gun, you Coast Guard?

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,

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