Make Semi Auto = Full Auto


Long Time Member
This is something they're considering and researching notice how they want to reclassify M1911A1 pistols ( that would include all semi auto pistols) IT"S TIME TO GET UNITED

The Pro gun arguments are compelling and absolutely correct. The AWB was riddled with loopholes

There can be only one way to proceed.

Make EVERY semiautomatic firearm identical to automatic firearms under the National Firearms Act.

It's EXTREMELY difficult to meet the licensing requirements of the NFA in order to own an automatic firearm. There is no recourse but to treat ALL semiautomatic weapons the same. This is the same for an M1911A1 pistol as it is for any of the AR15 or AK47 clones. Semiautomatic = extreme licensing requirements to possess.

So long as you pass an NCIS background check, you're good to go with any weapon that is a revolver, bolt action, lever action, or pump action weapon.

Semi-automatic weapons can no longer be treated any differently than automatic weapons.

Thanks to all the pro-gun folks who have argued there is no way to properly regulate semiautomatic weapons under legal instruments such as the Assault Weapons Ban. You've made it clear we must treat semiautomatic weapons identically to automatic weapons.
How about we dont!! You can take all of the firearms away, the nutjobs will still kill people, with knives, scissors, #2 pencils, etc... What if that freak in the school shooting ran over the 20 kids at recess instead of using a gun, would you want us all to give up our vehicles? You take away semi autos and next time it will be a revolver, and then a shotgun.... Its not gun control we need to worry about, its people control, and parent accountability!!
My Bad I should have clarified that there are those in the anti gun lobby that may be looking at this. That's why I Said we need to get united on this.
Boskee I was going to comment on this last night. I couldn't tell if you were for it or against it, or if you were for it before you were against it. It really was kind of confusing.
Somewhere ,someplace, some time ago a person got off 3 shots in 5 seconds and killed a president with a bolt-action rifle.....anti-lobbyists need to remember their history.....

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