Make a caption contest.


Long Time Member
# 1

# 2

# 3

Make up one for any one or all of them.
>#1 BFE Family Reunion circa 1940.
>#3 JB fights to be re-instated
>against fierce MM moderators


Stay classy Utah!
#1 UDOW Annual Tag allocation meeting
#2 I thought it was a turtle head poking out, butt it wasn't!
#3 Do it P###Y I dare ya!
#1 What do you get when you cross a midget with a bearded woman? The sequel to Deliverence.
#2 Look what I found under one of my titties...
#3 Watch this boys I'm going to spray this fat bastard with pepper spray..
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-08 AT 04:12PM (MST)[p]#2- See fellow MMers...I'm really not gay. I have had sex with a woman!--Feleno

#3- Sir, I told you to keep your shirt down. I don't care if you can make your belly button whistle!

1. Huntindude first one on the left totally disgusted that his wife/sister will not look at the camera for the family photo.

2. When I rolled off the couch I found you take it.

3. Would somebody please mase this fat f$&ck!
1. Congress convenes to decide future of American economy.

3. "Snap a photo of THIS, fat boy!"


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-08 AT 06:20PM (MST)[p]1. Deer camp, opening day of deer season in Utah.

2. See, squeeze it like this,and they squeel!

3. Hey, who has a "shamwow" for this guy?
1. The mods pay homage to their leader.

2. Little bastard crapped on me.

3. How about some fresh ground pepper?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-19-08 AT 11:06PM (MST)[p]#2 Holy S#@T!!!!!! Look at what I just craped out into the toilet!!!!!

#2 Here hold my mini me.

#3 (Hey I bet you $20.00 you wont mase that dude.)

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
#1.....Bobcat's family celebration of his 10k post. Most notable family event since the hogs ate Grandma on her way to the outhouse.

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