Majority Favor Drilling


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-31-08 AT 02:44PM (MST)[p]Those opposed to the war have suggested all along that the majority opinion in this country is the one that counts, I am curious if they feel the same way about drilling offshore or in Wilderness areas? Gallop shows 57% favor drilling in these areas.

If majority opinion should rule in ending the war in Iraq then please explain why it should not also rule when the majority favors drilling?

Thanks in advance,


P.S. Look at the answers when asked specifically about ANWR and then by party. Interesting what polls and stats can and cannot measure and why they are not always the best way to gauge and issue.

California has been one of the lead states concerning no drilling for the past 30 years. On this morning local news they related that the latest poll taken showed that 43% were still against drilling offshore. 51% of CA. residents are now in favor of drilling off our coast. The Dems have been given a very hot rock to hold on to. We have several liberal members of congress up for re-election this Nov. and I think we will see them do a complete about face on this issue for fear of losing their seat in congress. I believe Pelosi is one of those up for re-election. That could explain her flip floping and is now for drilling in the alaskan reserve. Before it is over, she will have to concede drilling offshore of CA.

Liberals want what liberals want. If they think they're a majority they'll be quick to point it out. If they are in the minority they will still demand what they want. Take the death penalty or gay marriage for example. If they're in the minority they will keep fighting until they find a judge to rule in their favor. Majority be damned at that point. It all depends on their agenda.

Even though the majority wants to drill off shore and in ANWR, the libs will stall, hoping their guy (I almost said boy, lol) gets elected in November. Then they will be home free, for a while. They have to keep their environmental wacko base in the fold.

he needs to put that air hose where the sun does not shine and inflate that part to equal his inflated head.


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