Maine Moose Results



The results are up as of last night. Nothing for me however my mother was drawn so I will go as her subpermittee.

Good luck to everyone who put in.
Congrats to you and your Mom, did she draw a bull or a cow tag?

My name wasn't on the list either. Any idea what the draw odds are for drawing a NR bull tag in Maine?


Proverbs 3:5-6
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-07 AT 09:12AM (MST)[p]Nothin for me but congrats to you and your moms

Hiker, I believe it is 80-1 or somethinmg like that

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
She has a bull tag. Her first moose tag. She is turning 82 this summer. This will take some work. Not sure of the draw odds. On average 20,000 NR (plus or minus) apply for 300 ish permits. Then you have to figure in the number of chances bought by each person. About 65,000 R put in for 2,500 permits.
The odds for Non-resident applicants are hard to figure because n-r's can buy unlimited entry chances when they apply. Some buy one chance, some buy hundreds. I've received the stats on this from the state, and they don't really shed much light on it. That is, I'm not going to hire an accountant to thoroughly figure them out, and the state refuses to give odds for example on those that purchased more than 1 to 10; or 10 to 20; or 50 to 100; or over 100. The very best I could make of it was that purchasing a boatload of chances does not appreciably increase your odds. I'm guessing that's why F & W refuses to be very forthcoming. Good luck to TheMan and his mom.
That is great! I hope she nails a big bull and you get the chance to back her up. 82 Wow! I'm looking forward to reading about her hunt and seeing the photos.

Thanks for trying to explain the draw odds....I didn't realize a NR could purchase unlimited chances.

>She has a bull tag. Her
>first moose tag. She is
>turning 82 this summer. This
>will take some work.
>Not sure of the draw
>odds. On average 20,000 NR
>(plus or minus) apply for
>300 ish permits. Then you
>have to figure in the
>number of chances bought by
>each person. About 65,000
>R put in for 2,500


Proverbs 3:5-6
Thanks for the well wishes. I have a one room cabin in her unit that my father built( left for the happy hunting grounds 12 years ago). I haven't been there much in the past few years but know a few places to start. She might be 82 but she lives alone, mows her lawn, and grows all her food from the garden...I do the tilling for her. She gets around pretty darn good. Ought to be a lot of fun.

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