Mail Order Brides


Long Time Member
An employee of mine is flying to Europe next week to meet his potential wife and new inlaws. Looking at his brochure you wouldn't think there is an ugly woman in all of Europe, they are all knockouts. He's picked one out just like picking a puppy from a litter... but its costing him a helluva lot more. Anyone know someone who's gone through the process?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-10 AT 01:52PM (MST)[p]Have a good time in Europe F-er!!! "My employee" "mail order" A$$ LOL Whats the wife think about #2? :)
My wife thinks I'm just going over there on business but I'll bring her back a "maid". A while back I told her we could get one to do some work around the house every other weekend so she'll be surprised and happy until she discovers the maid cleaning the tub while I'm in it :)
I went that route and at first was dissapointed. My Bride looked nothing like the brochure. She turned out to be alot of fun so I kept Her.

Is it like ordering a rifle?
You know,picking out certain parts as to per your specs?
Do they make em that don't talk back?
Do they make em that don't blow money?
Do they make em that just don't give a damn rather you hunt 10 months out of the year?

I'd like one Fully equipped that will tolerate my BS!
I've heard good and bad. There is no doubt that there are "brides" or people out there that will scam you out of your money.

I believe it's worse if you send them money to come to you. It's always, send more for this reason or that... I have a good bud who kept communications with a gal in Russia for 6 months until she was to visit him, was ripped outa 3K, and he never did meet the gal in person.

On the other hand, my old Boss and his Brother bought a sister act from the Philippians. Couple of nice gals, they both married, one split within a year to join the Army, the other stayed married 25 years or so until his passing.

Ya gotta admit, for having frail bones she's very limber. I think I hear a whistling sound....

H#ll i have no clue whats involved in ordering one, thats why I'm asking. I wonder what the return policy is?
Feleno... This should explain the return policy..



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I work with a guy who got a bride from Malaysia. She is a deaf mute.(honest). So far they are getting along fine. I wonder why?:) They have been married for several years. She goes on all his hunting and fishing trips, and does her share of the dirty work. She loves all the wild fish and game.


Pray for Obama. Psalm 109:8
"I work with a guy who got a bride from Malaysia. She is a deaf mute.(honest)."

Too bad they're not all that way... :)

LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-10 AT 07:20PM (MST)[p]NO Way!! They don't sell mail order brides do they? Where?
I have searched and searched I would like to see them. Any Pics?
I tried to order one out of Sears Cataloge and all that came was her bra and panties. Her name was Outfit. Who would name their kid Outfit?

How does that one go about the perfect woman?

3ft tall, no teeth, and a flat head to hold your beer.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-10 AT 11:38PM (MST)[p]...and a BIG bank account!! :)

So i told you about my former Boss and his Brother sending for Brides. A few years ago, one of his son's, probably the best backhoe man i've ever seen, tries the same only he has to go to Russia and get married instead of the delivery thing. So he goes to Russia and according to a phone call he made back to the USA, he's getting his ashes completely and continuously overhauled but it turns out there was some Government complications even after he had spent a ton of moneys and all issues were supposed to have been cleared. He didn't get to bring his bride home or even get married.

Couple days later, he fly's back, Reno Airport, and gets in his new Mustang for the couple hr trip back to Chester. No alcohol in his blood, he apparently falls asleep, crosses into the other lane and rams head on into another vehicle. himself and two in the other car, DOA. Very sad but true story!!

MMMM I'd love me a sexy russian chick named Tatyana or Slutana!! ;-) I don't know why but their accents kill me...F-er let me know how it works out dude kuz I've HONESTLY thought about this in the past and am interested!!


LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-10 AT 06:07AM (MST)[p]Ooops... not supposed to attach a link unless its hunting related
This is the place he is going through. Type Eastern-European-Women .com
then look for the anastasia link
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-10 AT 06:09AM (MST)[p]Holy ##### I'm already in lust with 12 of em!! Is there a limit on how many a guy can order?? Polygamist ha!! I don't care what you guys call me they're ####### hot...

Good thing I already saved it to my favorites ;-)


I signed up for information on a Franchise Opportunity. Anyone want to invest?

I think I will put a little house together outside of Reno and call it "the Basin". I will trade "time" for Landowner Tags!!!

Monster Muley members get a 15% discount at the door.
Eelgrass said:
"I work with a guy who got a bride from Malaysia. She is a deaf mute.(honest). So far they are getting along fine. I wonder why? They have been married for several years. She goes on all his hunting and fishing trips, and does her share of the dirty work. She loves all the wild fish and game."

Eel, you work with Zim?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-10 AT 07:18AM (MST)[p]Great idea! I'm 'in' and I'm 'up' for it!

Good one NV! :) Thats going back a few years.
Probably OK until they catch a few episodes of "All My Children" and "Real Housewives of Orange County", then they will be like the rest of them, and the next screwing you get will be in divorce court.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-10 AT 08:30AM (MST)[p]I signed up for one of those Adopt-A-Spouse services once. The one I used had their offerings sort of tiered and each tier was priced accordingly. I couldn't afford much, so I adopted one of the cheaper offerings. Unfortunately, there was good and bad with that.

The bad: she wasn't too attractive, hated sex and couldn't boil an egg. Oh, and my grocery bills are off the chart.

The good: She provided some great shade whenever we were outdoors, like fishing or at the beach.

Here she is with her sisters, enjoying a day at the pool. She's the good looking blond, 2nd from left.



How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-10 AT 08:44AM (MST)[p]OW
Geeeeeeez!!! I'm guessing her Passport Photo was probably taken by Google Earth?
>Eelgrass said:
>"I work with a guy who
>got a bride from Malaysia.
>She is a deaf mute.(honest).
>So far they are getting
>along fine. I wonder why?
>They have been married for
>several years. She goes on
>all his hunting and fishing
>trips, and does her share
>of the dirty work. She
>loves all the wild fish
>and game."
>Eel, you work with Zim?


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
That's funny you guys are taking about this. Sunday I was helping my son put a hardwood floor in for a divorced russian bride. I think her husband checked the double-d option box twice on the orderform. Man, I couldn't quit sneeking a peak at those lucious mellons.
I ask her what happened between her and her husband and she said he expected her to be his slave. I personally didn't see a problem with that, but apparently she did. Considering how she looked, I'm pretty sure he kept her in the bedroom most of the time.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
I know of people meeting girls on an lds mission then going back and getting them and they are very happy.

I know a guy that did the mail order thing and she stayed with him until she had citizenship and took him to the cleaners in the divorce. Be carefull!


Be careful, I got confused and sent off for a MALE order bride.

I think it was the same gentelman I talked with to get my Utah results (1-800-deer-tag).

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