Magnum!!! Private or Public?



I am new to the MM forum and i love the info available. I love to hunt the DIY way on public land and have been planning on hunting region G or H via backpacking. I just read about the deer they call Magnum taken by Nontypical outfitters and all I can say is wow. Robb Wiley does an incredible job of killing at least 2-3 monsters every year. Congrats to Mr. RObb Wiley!!! I was even more excited to read that it was killed on Public Land. My excitement was quickly shot down by a local contact in western wyoming that told me that Nontypical Outfitters paid around 30,000 dollars to a landowner to take this buck. So if anybody can help out with this claim let it be heard.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-12 AT 02:43PM (MST)[p]Let me guess, Since you seen a deer like magnum come out of G you think man I can go kill a big deer in region G. Well I am here to tell you that if you want to have a quality deer hunt in the high country backpack style region G and H in western wyoming is not the place to do it. The entire area lost 60% to 70% of the deer to the harsh winter last year. And there wasn't alot of deer to begin with the entire western side of the state has been in bad shape for a long time last winter finally ruined it. Not to mention you will see more people hunting than you will see bucks. It doesnt matter how far you go in or how high you go there will be alot of hunters in every basin and if there is a shooter buck around there will be alot and i mean alot of different guys after that one buck. Take my advice if you want to have a fun backpack hunt in the high country with the chance at a good buck go to colorado because you wont have a chance at one in region G or H trust me.
SSakitas, have you considered moving to Colorado? You sure seem to hate Western Wyoming. Really man, your negativity is getting old.
I just get sick of everybody thinking western wyoming is the holy grail of deer hunting. We lost 60% to 70% of our deer last year so the deer herd needs all the help it can get help the Wyoming Game and fish are not giving. So its up to hunters and sportsman to give the area some rest to help bring back some of the deer. I am sorry if you dont like my negetave comments but i have watched this deer herd be destroyed over the years and it makes me sick. So if you dont like what i have to say dont read my post.
The story you heard about Magnum is bs.Go to Robb's website for the story.Although SS may sound pretty negative,what he says rings pretty true.Last winter took probably 90% of the 4+ yr olds and the fawns.One only need to drive up to the winter range and look around to see the sad truth.It will take years of mild winters,wet springs and summers,and increased predator control measures for any comeback to occurr.We will never see the deer back like we had in the early 90's,in my opinion.
G still holds more quality deer than most general public lands areas in the entire state. Especially compared to the ones I've hunted in recent years. Most of the outfitter websites from G & H that I've looked at for 2011 did fairly well. I'll be back in G this year if I don't draw a limited quota tag...
I heard from a friend who talked to a rancher close to where Magnum was killed and he claimed the buck was shot on private land. The story goes that the outfitter had been watching Magnum for a couple years. In 2011, Magnum was spotted in a slightly different area on a neighboring ranch and the outfitter paid the landowner to kill the buck. I heard $50k.

Magnum is a legendary buck and I hope the story being told is true. It would be a shame if a buck like that would be tangled in a lie.
That buck "Magnum" was pure public land.

Land owners and land pimps say that kind of stuff so their land sells for more money!!
The gentleman that killed that deer with Nontypical outfitters did not "draw a deer tag" like his other clients did in 2011. And that's fact.
Thanks! I can't believe I didn't figure that out since we have just been discussing those and the Governor's tags.
Sure looked like high country public to me, I can't say I can think of too much private land at 8,000+ feet anywhere in WY. Personally I think people just can't be happy for someone who kills a giant and make up rumors to satisfy themselves. Yes, G and H have taken a hard hit, not only from last year's winter but from the energy industry (40% herd loss from gas/oil). Obviously there are still good bucks to be had, IMO the guys talking these areas down are doing so becuase they don't want the competition.
I assure you I am not talking the area down because i dont want the competition. I dont hunt deer in wyoming anymore I live in G and can get over the counter tags for the area and choose not to because the herds are in such bad shape I choose not to make matters worse by killing a deer when Region G and H deer herds are in the worse shape they have ever been in and getting worse. I wish more people think the same as I but most people want to kill a deer just to kill a deer. Even when deer herds are in massive decline but these are the same people that complain every year about low deer numbers.
Yes the man that killed the deer bought a comissioners tag in order to do so. I read the story on robbs page and it sure sounds like he offered this deer to alot of his draw clients but they kept turning it down. I call b.s. but in the end it doesnt really matter and most will never know. All I know is if I got a call from my outfitter I booked with and planned to hunt, if he said I have a monster found and I need a hunter. I would drop everything to be there. but no, hunter after hunter had other things to do so they couldnt hunt??? so he had the guy buy a commissioners tag? HMMMMM.... And im pretty sure he didnt mention anything about buying a tag in his story. I wonder why?
But no matter how it died or why he was the one, it is a great buck!
Let's not forget Robb could have shot the buck himself. I think he is a resident and probably had a tag. That would have givin you guys something to whine about!
>I re-read the story and I
>never saw where it stated
>the buck was taken on
>public land...

Noticed that too...

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