Made in China


Long Time Member
After all of the negative media reports exposing the negligent use of harmful elements in China's manufacturing of everything from pet food to baby toys, What the HELL should the American consumer do? EVERYTHING we use is made there. Even American Flags! Take a look around your household. Something there was made in China. I am guilty also. I don't have an answer, but wish I could figure one out. Before you say buy only AMERICAN, try it first. mtmuley
We don't have to stop completely, just cut way back. You know all that resin poured knick knack garden squirrels, book ends, that kind of mail order crap makes them chinks a whole boatload of money. I intercept my mail and don't let all those catalogs make it iunto the house so my wife doen't buy that crap.

Just cut back.

Raise a garden, beef, chickens, pork; hunt what you can, fish ... bottle and smoke everyhing you can.

I especially like the "smoke everything you can part" just kidding!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-07 AT 09:36PM (MST)[p]What do we actually make in this country any more? I really believe that another great depression is on the horizon. I've already decided to pull all 401K/personal stocks and put them into safer investments well before the next election. Americans can only live on our old wealth for so long. We can't live forever by passing electronic money back and forth on the computer, while at the same time shaving percentages off for "profits" and taxes.
I tend to agree with you, we're becoming nothing but a bunch of consumers producing less and less every year. some of this is due to lazy work ethics and some of it is our government doing nothing to level the playing field so American business can compete.

The stock market is making me worried, reaching new highs for no good reason, an adjustment seems probable just like we saw in real estate. if there ever was a time to be deversified this is it.
Good rule to follow- if it's really cheap and made in China...avoid it. Loaded with lead and other harmful stuff.
I was going to say, "eat more dry beans", But, China has become the world's third largest exporter of dry beans. Right behind the USA and Canada. Five years ago they weren't even in the picture. And, their prices are so low that it is hard to compete.

Watch for much more food coming out of China, the Yangtze river project is going into full production in the next few years. with cheap labor, no environmental laws and any chemical they'ld like to try at their disposal they're going to knock some more American crops and producers out. good thing for the bio fuel thing or American ag would be sunk. I really thought after the pet food thing and the anti freeze tooth paste disaster Americans would back away for Chinese crap, save them a nickle and they can live with it I guess.
>Raise a garden, beef, chickens, pork;
>hunt what you can, fish
>... bottle and smoke everyhing
>you can.
>I especially like the "smoke everything
>you can part" just kidding!

did that most of my life, Rus, but since we moved into medford oregon, a big city, can't do squat, it alarms me also if we're hit with another depression many people don't know how to survive, no one knows how to can other then buyin a can of vegies from the store...
Doesn't seem like there is a way to get out from under Chinese made goods now. Hell, even some of my prized hunting gear (range finder, gps etc.) is made in The Republic. Makes one feel kind of helpless as to saying no. Halloween would really suck too. And Christmas, and so on... mtmuley
No wonder the Clinton's were so heavily invested in Mexico Super Wal-Mart. The majority of things sold in Wal-Mart are from China.
I am also guilty of buying many things at Wal-Mart. Retirement pay doesn't go far and we must save when we can.
Even my new scopes, that I thought were made in Russia are actually made in China.
Now I read everything first to see where it was made and you would not believe how many items don't say where they are made. Yikes!

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